Absolutely bonkers. Anyone remember the Technology Connections video from a while back about pinball machines?
He cracked one open to reveal the “computer” like 500 relays connected with spaghetti. Can’t imagine how much of a nightmare it must be to debug those. At this point, so much documentation and tribal knowledge is gone that this dude is basically reverse engineering each machine. Hats off.
Edit: article actually points out that he bought out all existing documents from one of the pinball companies.
This game was sort of before my time. Got to experience 2 on a beefy gaming PC, so I’m hyped for the zombie mode.
As I was playing 2, I was constantly thinking to myself: “this would be a prime game to mod some zombies into”. Was surprised to hear they’d already done it in 1.
Hopefully they ported it well.
It also has that one dude on the street in saint denis who
minor side character spoiler
is pushing his eugenics book.