I have come to agree on you with this approach. Education is important, no matter what form it takes.
My only issue is something I have obsereved and lamented, which is that humor done excessively seemes to have an inoculating effect.
Think of all the crap president the U.S. has had and all lampooning that was done to denounce them. While we mocked them, they continued their reign and carried creating and enforcing bad policies, as getting away with atrocities while the few qualified people with any legal power struggled to take them down. It doesn’t work.
So, while I appreciate the satire, at this point I find it an exhausting medium. People really do enjoy the taste of onion.
Vote with action. Capitalism is the shit we are in, but everyone acts as if we are in a death march.
Maybe we are? Maybe nothing matters?
Or it does matter, and we need to be smarter about how we make changes in the world besides urging people to use technology that does not match half of what they are used to.
There is a concept called nudge that can work here. It is easier to change behavior by making the “right thing” the default. Make it easy for people to switch off the big corporate tech. Yelling never did anything.
In the meantime, yes, vote with your dollars. Don’t give money to the things you hate.
Wow, fuck everything then. I hope forks of Android continues to thrive, but there is only so much we can do when the base starts deteriorating in quality.
Too bad Linux phones failed to launch. I mean, if there is as great working phone that reliably makes calls and fully accepts SIM cards, I will buy it the day my phone dies. There needs to be a Fedora phone, an open source backed up by an established freedom respecting company with a lot of money.
The allowance of an alternative store is a big sell. There was a moment were I felt the quality on F-Droid was dying, but in the last few months it has felt like an amazing explosion of really useful and clever apps. It also helps to expand the repository with the Guardian project and Izzy on Android.
Alas, I am on the degoogling train, so I feel like I am missing out tremendously on quality apps that only exist on the playstore. Android phones and tablets honestly used to suck compared to the iPhone, but now there are brilliant capable devices that can be had for at least half the price of an iPhone.
I think I should create an google account to use my Android better. It won’t have my real info, and it doesn’t need to have a name that points to me. I have been using Aurora, but the recent rate limiting can be a pain in the ass. And as much as I hate giving google my money, YouTube is a large part of my education and entertainment, and while the platform is a cesspool the people I truly admire sure as hell won’t be moving to fucking PeerTube, or LBRY.
Also, I am only a pirate for things that I no longer can legitimately buy or the money will not reach the original creators.
Hm, I guess I haven’t paid attention to the ownership, I just skip past the ads to the content.
They will always be worth listening to.