This is not due to the 13/14th generation CPU recall, rather Intel as a whole is floundering.
They missed the entire AI gravy train, losing market share to AMD, lost Apples business, etcetera. Intels foundry requires a lot of capital for both RnD and to keep the fabs running. They are losing market share and they have higher cost business compared to their competitors.
Quick shout out to yt-dlp. It comes everything you need to download, transcode, and even use Sponsorblock!
You raise some good points and I agree with most of them.
I live in Canada and the only option of I have to sideload is paying for a developer account which is $100 CAD/year, otherwise I am stuck with a version where I have to re-sign the apps every 7 days. I know that the EU version is cumbersome and still needs Apple to notarise apps. My point here is that it’s hard to sideload, within and outside of the EU.
I truly believe their notion of a “walled garden” is just nonsense. They use this to justify preventing other people from accessing their digital marketplace or creating their own marketplace. It’s just a money grab and a monopoly.
At least on Android, I have the option to use the Play Store, Samsung Store, or any other 3rd party App Store, or simply sideload for free. I don’t have this option with an iPhone.