Fediverse is worse than Reddit. Mod abuse, admin abuse, disinformation, and people simping for literal terrorists.
I always wonder how some big ass studio announcing a title that uses (high quality) 2D or 2.5D graphics would go. Like, pump it full of many hours of great gameplay and gut and / or heart wrenching story, with lovely & beautiful art, in 2025+. No online account requirements, no Denuvo, no micro or macro transactions, just a solid buy to play title that’s a blast to get immersed in. The problem is that suits would not dare to even try this, just like they don’t dare to try anything else that’s not your standard formula customer milking. And that’s how you get the 20iest iteration of generic graphic bliss with hundreds or even thousands of bucks to spend on macro transactions and other pain the ass bullshit. Innovation for the big companies is dead, which is why I focus so much on Indie studios and smaller developers now. At least there’s still some honest passion behind those games.
I think we landed in a situation where some people don’t understand the different between graphical style and graphical quality. You can have high quality graphics that are still very simplistic. The important part is that they serve their purpose for the title you’re making. Obviously some games benefit from more realistic graphics, like TLoU Part 2 depicted in the thumbnail & briefly mentioned. The graphics help convey a lot of what the game tries to tell you. You can see the brutality of the world they are forced to live in through the realistic depiction of gore. But you can also see the raw emotion, the trauma on the character’s faces, which tells you how the reality of this world truly looks like. But there’s plenty of games with VERY simplistic graphic styles that are still high quality. CrossCode was one of the surprise hits for me a couple years ago and became one of my favorite RPGs, probably only topped by the old SNES title Terranigma. They both have simple yet beautiful graphics that serve them just as well as the realistic graphics of TLoU. Especially the suits / publishers will make this mistake since they are very detached from the actual gaming community and just look at numbers instead, getting trapped in various fallacies and then wonder why things don’t go as well as they calculated.
It’s not that I don’t like realistic graphics. But I’m not gonna pay 100 bucks per game + micro transactions and / or live service shenanigans to get it. Nowadays it’s not even that hard to have good looking games, thanks to all the work that went into modern engines. Obviously cutting edge graphics still need talented artists who create all the textures and high poly models but at some point the graphical fidelity gained becomes minuscule, compared to the effort put into it (and the performance it eats, since this bleeds into the absurd GPU topic too).
There’s also plenty of creative stylization options that can be explored that aren’t your typical WoW cartoon look that everyone goes for nowadays. Hell, I still love pixel art games too and they’re often considered to be on the bottom end of the graphical quality (which I’d heavily disagree with, but that’s also another topic).
What gamers want are good games that don’t feel like they get constantly milked or prioritize graphics over gameplay or story.
The naming changes are just horrible though, they make it more and more confusing to directly compare generations and them now dropping high end cards makes the confusion perfect. No way to really get an idea of what a card and its price is worth when you cannot reliably compare it to the previous models.
But I guess on the bright side, for people looking for midrange cards, we don’t have to wait until they released their high end models now. Hoping for some high vram models too though.
Cloud based gaming servers are simply flexible game servers that have multiple international locations with dynamic load distributions instead of old fixed location game servers. There’s literally nothing wrong with that over the old and less flexible method because this gives you servers that are closer to your personal location, which means less ping, and them being able to scale means it is less likely of them just crapping themselves under heavier load, because they can scale up dynamically when needed.
I think I just did automatons back then because that’s where the rewards were but it was a completely overwhelming number of enemies spawning in non-stop. Combined with the sort of time limit I just did not enjoy that experience at all. Maybe you can kinda get better and grind through it I feel I’d rather waste my time and money on something that’s balanced around singleplayer, even if just optionally.
Meerly addressed your stupid edit and re-hashed the single point you’ve steadfastly refused to acknowlege, even now.
Nope. I just don’t make hyperbolic false equivalences about Israel or the IDF like you are doing.
Oh no, Iran’s backing them? Who cares. The entire West is “backing” Israel.
Ah, yes, the West which is the total equivalence of Iran. Tankie shit propaganda, all while living comfortably over here instead of there.
At this point, I’m pretty sure you don’t care one whit more for Israelis and IDF soldiers than I do.
What gave you the hint? That I literally said fuck all of them over there? The difference is that I don’t pretend that I do, and that I don’t make excuses for either side. I simply look at the facts. If you’re some extremistic shitbags, than I think you can go to fucking hell, yes. I don’t give a shit about those hundreds or thousands of years of history that started all of this when neither of those sides gives a damn about living peacefully with each other. You cry about Israel, while Palestine wants Israel genocided just as much. The only difference here is the actual capabilities, which still does not stop either side from trying. And now that Hamas and Hezbollah fucked around, they both ended up finding out as well. Womp fucking womp. I bet you cried about everyone bombing the shit out of the IS as well, huh?
Call me when Iran invades … well, anywhere really.
Iran “invades” (nice specific wording btw, I’m sure you also downplay the fact that we’re at “war” with Russia) through proxies, attacking Israel and killing their citizens for decades at this point.
I’m done with you and your lies. Just do us all a favor and go move to those brilliant “definitely not terrorist” led countries - with your kids of course - and keep us updated on how that goes. Bring some western values like rainbow flags along as well and tell everyone your thoughts about Allah and the prophet. Maybe this would be a good reality check for you lots.
See? I never said that, you’re just making this shit up as you go and put words into my mouth without being able to actually point to where I’ve allegedly said that, just because I’m not immediately spreading bullshit propaganda about the IDF or because I speak out against actual terrorist groups. You’re worse than Reddit, 0 nuance at all. I feel bad for your kids to be brainwashed into a doomed world. I hope you eventually understand that your beloved, Iran backed freedom fighters would rape and behead them without hesitation too.
Please point me to where I simp for terrorists. My stance is that both sides can get fucked because each side wants to wipe out the other. I’m merely calling out people’s terrorist simping / Hamas cock sucking, which you people somehow love to misinterpret, as if it is suddenly controversial to have stance against terrorist groups. Those people you try to protect here, which you desperately try to find excuses for, would be gladly cutting your infidel head off, just because.
Edit: Yeah, thought so. Delusions as always and when pointed out they’re never heard of again. Typical.
The Holocause was most well-documented by the perpetrators.
Yeah, let’s just ignore the process taking place for literal decades that came after WW2.
The survivors of the current genocide are begging us to notice the deaths of the victims we are seeing all-but-live on camera.
By spitting onto the mangled, half naked corpses of the festival? Torturing, raping and murdering all those innocent hostages? Enslaving & raping innocent women? Trust me, I’ve seen it.
Nazi Germany would have loved someone so prone to looking away as you.
Funny, because I’m not the one who is ignoring one side of the story while painting Israel in some sort of boogeyman way. Maybe add some bat wings or rat features onto them for good measure, so that we can see even more clearly where your Jew hatred comes from. You fuckers did not give a shit about Palestine before Hamas slaughtered those people, giving Israel a casus beli, and you don’t care for any other genocides around the globe either - unless they somehow become the next media drama that you can latch onto to show the internet how much you care about those people. Pathetic and narcissistic, but sure as hell no excuse for terrorist simping.
Oh yeah? Does that also apply to the killings of the butcher of Khan Younis? Or the that of the theocratic regime in Iran? Or the rocket strikes of Hezbollah? Or the massacre of the rave on Oct. 7th? Just trying to figure out which murders you deem justified.
There’s a reason Holocaust survivors tend to avoid Israel, bad memories.
As if you care about holocaust survivors, considering how you people abuse Jews outside of Israel and end up defacing holocaust memorials for your agenda.
I can’t speak for every case of those game’s and their stories and missions, especially since I don’t play CoD, but the majority of those targets you’re shooting at are actual terrorist groups.
And with statements like:
Its creator argued that the game is no different from numerous games that allow users to kill Arabs
He’s basically equating Palestinians, or Arabs, with Hamas. So he is basically saying that Palestinians / Arabs are all terrorists, just like he’s basically saying the IDF are terrorists. At that point he might as well go the next step and add the ravers to slaughter and rape.
Also, the game historically has had ~25 concurrent players at any given time. I don’t think this game is as important as certain people would want you to believe.
Certain people? Who?
They didn’t had to do the origins, but I think it’s more a result of them generally struggling with the development. The game has shortcomings everywhere, especially in its story. The whole intro with Jackie is just meh and you’re supposed to like him so that it is this big traumatic hit when he dies but I just did not care. Then they introduce this moronic unlikable character of Silverhand which guides you through the whole game in some inconsistent ways, and I could not care less about this asshole, especially since his character started to rub off on V. To think they only did this because Keanu Reeves suggested them that the character should have a bigger role and that the original story apparently looked very different… Not even starting on the last mission which I could not even bother doing because I already knew V finds an end there and you can then only load a previous save to keep playing the open world. So of course, not caring about the story, I did not care about that either.
Obviously I could not be bothered to buy the paid DLC that wasn’t supposed to exist either.
I did like having my own character creation though. I did like having the ability to roam an open world and buy things. But I would’ve preferred a game with less of an idiotic story, hell, drop the story and instead work on more open world content and features instead. Be a little more sandboxy and open ended instead of having me play the hero of my own story.
As for the Witcher… Don’t care. I never got into it. Got through most of the first game but the choices & character drama annoyed me and I could not get into Geralt either. Combat, monsters and story felt blegh so I just dropped it. Could not be arsed to pick it up again.
I find the combat & flight model the biggest weak point of it to be honest, and certainly light years away from that of Elite Dangerous.