I once got a refund after 5 hours. I opened the game, left it running at the main menu, then went to make lunch and completely forgot about it. Wasted probably about 3.5 hours in the menu. When I asked for a refund, I didn’t even explain that I’d left it open in the main menu; I just pointed out why I didn’t like it and why I wanted a refund. The game in question was Mount and Blade, store country was Germany, and I submitted the refund request on the same day I bought it.
Obligatory mention: https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil for those who want to completely* remove Edge, but are unable to do so by conventional means.
* Windows updates can and sometimes do reinstall Edge. The toolbox offers a tweak that can delay feature updates by two years and security updates by four days. That gives you time to review the changes and check whether they’ll reinstall this malware again. Alternatively, you could just re-run the tool after any feature update to uninstall Edge again.
The more recent installment, Bannerlord, had caught my attention, but a lot of people were saying it was unfinished and that devs weren’t updating the game to deliver things that were promised and instead were making minor hotfixes that even broke the mods attempting to address the game’s inadequacies. A lot of the complaints compared it to the first installment in the series and were recommending trying it out, especially since it had had a thriving mod scene and was more fleshed-out over all. I tried it out, but it just felt too dated for my taste; couldn’t get into it.
Maybe I would’ve gotten into it had I given it more time. I just felt pressured to quickly make a decision on whether to refund it after I had wasted more than 3 hours of my “trial” sitting in the main menu.