Here to read the internet.
I’ll admit I was “only” 20 hours into NMS and I was feeling the staleness, but a lot of that is probably that I don’t know what I’m doing.
Luckily, I followed your advice before I knew it - I did already get to the anomaly and I did just start an expedition from that current save. I just got off the first planet on the expedition. One thing where I think I goofed is that I made the primary save too easy (all relaxed) and the expedition already feels more natural in that it’s not as easy-mode.
thanks again! I really like that the expedition gives me a clear “to-do list” which is what my brain tends to go for.
I joined when it first came out, and got my wife in as well.
Playing together was difficult, in that we mostly just got in each other’s way.
Otherwise, I played it for maybe 15 hours? and once I maxed out my personal little farm there wasn’t much more I wanted to do. My wife… played much much longer! Because she wanted to meet all the townsfolk and she got them all to best friend. It’s a super cute game, and all MTX are just costumes which is fine by me. Given that its F2P, still worth trying if you like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley.
I have a spreadsheet tracking all my for-myself builds from 2000. I used to average a new build (or upgrade) every 20 months. (it was my only hobby… I’m pretty boring)
Last 10 years it’s been more like every 36 months. But that’s after having “the itch” for at least a year.
I’m 40 months into this build, and an upgrade is hardly worth it. Maybe next year when it’s been a whole 2 generations CPU/GPU?
I played it a few months ago, before 1.0, and honestly the difficulty pushes me away.
I expected for it to get harder over time, yes, but coming straight out of the tutorial I couldn’t “succeed” on the first real game. Pretty sure I had everything on easy too. Maybe it was the second game, either way.
Big oof, long listed game for me and now dead before arrival.
Luckily I picked up FF14 already.