Dude. I get that. If that was the case here I’d be up in arms too. But it’s not. Not even close. This is the equivalent of complaining that you didn’t get the “Twin Humanities” starting gift in dark souls. It honestly is inconsequential to the experience while playing the game. NOTHING is worth paying for and anyone saying that hasn’t played the long enough to realize that. The game is perfectly playable in every aspect and you miss out on nothing.
You can buy the ferrystones for gold or loot them. They cost 10k gold. I had over 30k at level 10. Buying them is literally nothing mid to late game. You can also fast travel with carts that let you snooze or fight monsters. They are actually more interesting than ferry stones cause you get exp and loot.
The difference is literally nothing in weight. Honestly. This is the biggest non issue. A few potatoes you loot off the ground can weigh more than the difference between the camp you purchase for gold in the first town and the dlc.
If you wanna complain about legitimate issues like frame rate or only one save, that’s fine. But for anyone that’s played the game, the dlc is beyond pointless and not worth this level of outrage.
Cause the micro transactions are literally pointless. The only people complaining are the people who haven’t played the game enough to know that NOTHING in the dlc is worth paying for. If you played the game for the first few hours, you’d earn more RC just by killing shit then the highest dlc package offers. Ferrystone are loot or gold. Barber shop costs gold too. Nothing is even that expensive.
The game is LITERALLY exactly like the first game except more content. The micro transactions might as well be called donations.
He’s JustAnIdiot. PlsIgnore.