It definitely takes good enough photos in the day, but it’s quite average when it gets a little darker. And for some reason, it gets blurry with any kind of movement. That I noticed day 1. If someone moved their hand slowly in front of a camera, it produces a blurry image. That doesn’t happen even in my old budget phone lol. But I’m very happy with it otherwise, and have taken some photos that I love as well.
I would definitely suggest either something like a Pixel 7a or an older flagship. I bought a galaxy S20 FE when it was about 1.5 years old and I haven’t regretted it one bit. It doesn’t have the best camera though, which is why I suggested a “Pixel a” series phone. I would still buy a Samsung phone because I love OneUI, but that’s something for you to decide.
Oh. I’ve never seen any ads while scrolling. The buffering does happen to me sometimes though, and it is annoying.