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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2024


Understood. “Do not interact with Pooptart, they are incredibly stupid.”

Lesson learned.

My argument, which has ready been made twice, is computer decision making is not immoral. Thats ridiculous. Its incredibly useful in thousands of ways. All of this is AI.

You ACTUALLY make no argument. “AI is bad. If you use ai, you’re evil.”

That is not an argument, just an opinion, and has no support.

I’m using spellcheck as an example because its relevant.

If you continue to believe I’ve made no argument, well, I guess your reading compression isnt up to where it would need to be to understand basic human interaction.

You are of course welcome to have and express your opinion, but when its just a shit take and its unsupported dont get pissed about getting called out.

Use of ai is not immoral in and of itself. That argument is made in my response. I supported that argument by explaining why AI isn’t immoral, in that its a useful tool.

“I don’t use spell correction because I don’t need it, as I understand the language.”

Run-on sentence. You are using a comma as a seperator between two fully separate thoughts. Thats the wrong punctuation to accomplish the task you want.you should either use a semi-colon or a conjunction, or just make them separate sentences.

Your understanding of the language is clearly perfect and any tool that provides feedback when you make mistakes is clearly unnecessary.

This is ALSO a garbage tier take. You have assumed your opponents opinion is based on AI making people dumb. You’re providing them with ammo. There are many possibilities for why they think this. As far as you know, your statement is entirely irrelevant to the person you’re responding too.

This is a garbage tier take. You use spell correction. Thats a form of computerized decision making, which is artificial intelligence. You MAY have a point if you’re referring to LLMs but thats incredibly arguable, and you hasn’t stated any reasoning behind your opinion.