Just a dude doing dude things

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 02, 2022


Buddy I’m going to 3d print some funko pops just to fuck with em.

Stop being a bootlicker bootlicker.

I’m sure your multi-million dollar company really appreciates being defended by some rando on a super niche site


Hellblade is pretty cool. Not made by a huge studio but looks like it was. Combat is meh but presentation is excellent. Would buy on sale

It’s not a game about replaying it. It’s quality over quantity. One of the most interesting story games I’ve ever played

Teardown is good if you are playing for the destruction aspect. If you’re a fan of nice open world movement than the spiderman games are good if you ignore the copganda. And honestly I really enjoy death stranding for a game to relax too. It gets action packed sometimes but not too often

Either a radeon rx7600 or a 4060. The lowest tier gpu’s are usually the most power efficient. I’m sure you would see some performance gains as well but probably not an insane amount. But thats just the brand new gpus. You could get maybe a 6700xt which would have more vram than a 7600 for a bit more money.

To me it sounds like the problem lies with the titan x more than anything. Has it always had thermal issues? Could be a power supply issue or any number of things. I had a 2060 and my system was freezing for extended periods of times and eventually crashing my system and I assumed it was due to the summer heat. But I eventually replaced my psu and boom. No more issues.