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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Understood. Thanks for taking the time to educate me!

Can someone tell me if this game cartridge is authentic?
I bought this off Ebay but I am not sure if it is authentic or not. Can anyone here tell me or point me towards a resource I can use?

These are great QOL changes. I wonder why they waited for the DLC to release them instead of doing it with the colluseum update.

It’s so cool that the voice actors are willing to do goofy stuff like this for the fans.

I can’t help but notice that scout’s voice actor is never to be seen though. I thought he was into doing custom voice lines for SFM shorts?

Triple I as in triple Indie? That’s cute as hell, I love it. I’m all for III over AAA.

Iron Pineapple on YouTube has a series called Steam Dumpster Diving where he reviews Souls-like games in the style that you mention.

It is unfortunately limited to Souls-like games even though he himself admits that his definition of Souls-like is very loose (if there is a parry system and a dodge button, its a souls-like. Bonus points for having a bonfire mechanic). He also reviews new and old games, and I know you specifically mentioned new or upcoming games. He does skew towards newer releases however.

Yeah, Ori is emotional but there isn’t much to attach you to the characters if that’s what you’re looking for.

Might I recommend Witcher 3? I didn’t play the other ones, but I found myself getting attached to the characters by the end all the same.

Edit: just saw you didn’t care for Witcher 3 much.

I haven’t played it myself, but I’ve seen playthroughs of The Last of Us. Even though there’s a sequel, I’ve heard the first one is better. Anyway, if engaging story is what you’re after, I’d check that out.

I’ve also never played this one, but I’ve heard SpecOps: The Line is also a gutpunch.

It’s a bit of a commitment, but I always found the Halo series to be kinda emotional to me, but then I also grew up with it and got invested in the characters. Your mileage may vary with Halo.

Final recommendation would be Ori and the Blind Forest if you’re into platformers.

Agreed. By the end, i was just looking up the solutions so i can just figure out what the heck happened on the island, only to be met with the biggest let-down in my personal gaming history. Game went from an 9/10 to a 3/10 just on the ending alone.

$100 games. I know I’m the minority in this as I have the income for it, but I subscribe to the “buy once, cry once” mentality where I’d rather pay a large up-front cost for something and just have it be mine with all the bells and whistles it comes with. I detest this nickle and dime bullshit modern gaming has become.

Which is why I’ve also given up on “AAA” games from corporate publishers and stick to indie games from indie developers. I’m sure even if the AAA publishers started charging $100 for games, they’d still nickle and dime you just because they can.

Phogs is a game where you a control a dog-dog (Remember Cat-Dog from Nickelodeon? That, but double dog) through a series of themed worlds solving puzzles. The themes are things puppies are interested in (eating, sleeping, and playing). The game is meant to be played co-op, but I believe it can be played alone.

It’s refreshing to see evil motherfuckers being evil openly instead of trying to hide it with doublespeak or outright denying it. I love Coffee Stain Studio’s games and how they handle monetization, and this announcement makes me worried for both the studio and their projects.

Phogs is a cute co-op game where you a control a double ended dog (Think Cat-Dog but it’s a double dog) to solve puzzles through themed worlds (food, sleep, and playing, a puppy’s favorite activities). It’s only 2 player though so I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

My vote is 10 years as an arbitrary number, or 2 or more console generations as the graphics technology will have (hopefully) have advanced enough to make an impactful difference in graphics quality.

Control schemes have largely not changed since the PS3/360 era, so there would be no point in remaking a game solely for that, at least not if it’s from around that era. For anyone that has played the Rare Replay, Rare Studio’s entire collection of games, Jetforce Gemini (a N64 game) had an option in the control settings to make the controls modernized.

All in all, a game should be remade/remastered if it is going to be significantly different to its original form. A fresh coat of paint does not a remake, uh make. For the best example of proper remakes in my opinion, see the Demon Souls remake or the Halo 2 Anniversary edition.

Super Turbo Championship Edition And Knuckles, Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

I bought it full price when it came out and it’s worth every cent imo, and I’m not even a Harry Potter fan. It’s a good RPG in its own right.