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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


As a huge KCD fan (donated to the Kickstarter!) I have very, very low hopes for KCD2.

It will have Denuvo. Warhorse is awesome, but they are already not great at optimization. KCD on launch was rough. Amazing, fun, but rough.

Adding Denuvo is just asking for exceptionally poor performance.

Seems they already did. KCD2 will have Denuvo.

Let’s put CPU heavy malware on an already CPU taxing game from a dev team known for not having the best optimization. Wcgw?

I’ll agree that 40 may be a bit too far given some of the real dinosaurs in government. That being said, dating myself here but I have very fond memories of personal computing in the early 90s, even playing games online!

While the other person saying 80 years is a bit much, it has been a constant for at least 40 years now.

Personal computing and software isn’t new.

Edit: To clarify, 1984 (40 years ago) saw Superbowl ads for the Apple Macintosh and the advent of the CD-ROM.

Bad marketing, low interest in Overwatch clones after OW2. Some people say diversity pandering but I like to imagine it’s that people still remember Sony being a butt with Helldiver’s 2.

I look forward to it!

I appreciate Mando’s take on the current state.

I was really excited for Homeworld 3, but then silly devs had to add Denuvo.

I won’t touch that with a 10ft (3.048m) pole!

I think that I don’t have anything positive to say about Sony.

Check back after the HellDivers fiasco.

Edit: Good news, Sony backtracked their terrible decision. Now I can say that the Jak & Daxter series was criminally underated.

I’ve got a whole family of Garmins (plus one apple) looking for a walking game and this seems right up our alley. +1 for Garmin Connect integration!