Japan-based ML. Interests in privacy, tech, cybersecurity.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


How could you possibly doubt the word of uh… Jefferey Tromp and his good friend Romaine.

Google, that company famous for creating new technologies and supporting them for long periods of time. Definitely something I am interested in becoming an early adopter for.

Not really. I didn’t hate him as much as some characters coughZidanecough but I didn’t find him endearing like a lot of people did.

I am working my way through all the FFs and will give IX a fair shot when I replay it, my opinion may have changed. I don’t think I have played it since it first released.

IX and XIV. IX had good elements, but I just actively disliked the entire cast of characters. I totally get why people can like it though. but it is really hard for me to get over the fact that there wasn’t a single playable characte rI liked.

XIV I should love, I like MMOs and FF both (and I really liked XI), but there were a few design choices that really held it back for me. I could go into a whole essay on my issues with it if you really care. Honestly I don’t even hate XIV, just don’t actively like it really.

I definitely have some concerns after the demo, but it isn’t going to stop me from playing a new FF. No expectations for where it will rank for me in the series as a whole, but it is pretty likely I will at least enjoy it. I think there has only been two FF games I have ever not enjoyed.