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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 12, 2023


Gosh you’re exactly right! I had “recently read” checked which sounds self explanatory but the two work slightly differently. This gets me one step closer at least.

Favorite RSS Reader With Search Function
Hey folks, I was inspired by Chris Titus Tech's [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxV0CPNeFxY) on using RSS readers as an alternative to browse the Internet. I love this idea and want to incorporate it into my mobile routine but haven't found a reader with a search function. I'm currently using [Feeder](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nononsenseapps.feeder.play) which I love except for two things. - "Mark as Read"/ reading articles eliminates them from my feed with no way to retrieve them - no search function. FOSS is a plus. I would love to hear your recommendations!

I just used CX File Explorer on the playstore for SMB support and it seemed to work great!

I one trick mage class. I always upgrade my staff as soon as I find a scroll. Once I feel comfortable I’ll then imbue my staff and continue to upgrade it.

Is that a bad idea? I’ve always felt comfortable doing that because I know that my staff will always be my primary weapon.

I’ve never beaten the game. Only got past the gnome king a handful of times.