Let’s say the PC doesn’t count and you aren’t taking into account backwards compatibility, emulation, online play, homebrew games, and the cost/availability of games.
I feel like I’d want to choose the PS3. Like the Xbox 360 it had a decent lifespan and a lot of games were produced for it. A lot of which are already some of my favorites.
The only things that would make hesitant are I feel like a lot of modern games are larger and have open worlds which I feel like that could be nice in the long run and many of my favorite games for the PS3 have been re-released.
Sub for any gaming related content!
Either SNES or PSX
Any reason why? What games do you like on them?
Both have such a huge library of fantastic games. In my opinion, the best libraries overall of any generation of video games. I think they existed during an era of video game development where there the market had not fully digested what a commodity video games could be, so there was space for a lot of experimentation and discovery. Off the top of my head, the SNES has…
… I’ll leave it there, but the list goes on, the SNES has a library that is burgeoning with bangers. The PSX is, too, but I feel hesitant to ruin the comments page with another list.
Good point. I had a feeling someone might choose the SNES or NES for the big library alone but the SNES era definitely did have some unique games
I’ll have to check out some of the ones on your list I don’t recognise