You ask who the fuck decided to sell your studio to a secretive block chain company and you kick them in the nuts.
It’s the same procedure for being acquired by private equity… some asshole early founder felt entitled to destroy all that you, as a team, worked so hard to create.
Capitalism is truly a fucked way to run an economy.
The gameplay may be shit but I’ve enjoyed AC:V and AC:O - they’re both absolutely gorgeous to explore. I’m waiting for Mirage to be discounted down to like five bucks so I can pick it up as well.
But yeah - gameplay wise they’re getting lazy as fuck… especially fucking Odessy. I shelved actually playing it when I noticed the same fort layout for the third time…
Aka the No Man’s Sky approach. After the disastrous launch the team focused on one specific component of gameplay and got it to a place they liked and then moved onto the next.
I am personally convinced that Roberts is trying to keep Star Citizen limping long enough to retire before the shit storm of lawsuits hit the company.
Technically you don’t even own disk games as, when the key server is shut down they are looked forever, and there is no legal way to get around that.
Depends on the tech they use - back in the day CD Keys just had to pass an algorithm check - nowadays some companies have a remote call to some registration server or rely on platform auth - but the easiest to implement is that old algorithm based approach that just checks it locally.
Oh. Okay.