Everything after season 4 of game of thrones was trash, it just got progressively worse each season as D&D had no
accountabilitymaterial to work with.
I know it’s fashionable to shit on D&D for their lack of writing skills, but they weren’t hired to write, they were hired to adapt and they were decently good at it. George told them he’d have his material completed by the time they’d have to adapt it and he did not, yet I see very little of the blame attributed to the guy who just kind of gave up on finishing his story.
That’s one way to look at it, if you’re looking to downplay the human impact. The way I look at is these companies had a short sighted hiring spree and now thousands of people are without income and can’t just get a new job as the industry is laying off everywhere. That seems like a reasonable source of panic for the people with no income and not a lot of prospects.
Absolutely, there were many reasons for the decline in writing and I am by no means going to defend D&D or their team as writers, but I don’t envy the situation they were handed.