Account #2 (migrated)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


For me personally it’s easier to watch a video than to read a blog post or whatever these days. That’s mostly because I can listen/watch while doing chores. However, if I need to use it later there’s just no way I can find it or find what was in it. I like the format of Theprimeagen in particular when he goes over blog posts, I can always refer to that when I want to. So I’d say:

  • videos as a replacement for written media: no
  • videos as an addition to written media: yes

I think Supabase does this well. The documentation is there, videos are more specific and lengthy

If your whole brand is based on being an asshole, I don’t see why it would be any different internally tbh