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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


Mano, não sei se foi intencional ou não, mas aqui é uma instância internacional, meio que não vão interagir por não ser em inglês. Tem o [email protected] que é de uma instância 100% BR.

I think they mean EA Anti-Cheat, not Easy Anti-Cheat. The former, which is used in 2042, does not run under linux (and probably never will).

BFV runs out-of-the-box on linux systems and has a “Gold” rating on ProtonDB. If EA really goes on with this, BFV will become unplayable, just like 2042.

Yeah, it doesn’t add up. Why would one go to the restricted access distributor if they can get a lot more by pirating?

Why can’t we have nice things? These people are literally just archiving and preserving old media, and if I recall correctly, they have strict rules of sharing these archived media.

I kinda understand why they got sued by Wiley/HarperCollins due to breaking the rules of sharing unlimited copies of archived books, but this time it doesn’t look like it.

Honestly, I hope Internet Archive survives all these lawsuits they’re dealing with