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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Aug 13, 2024


Does anyone know how PSN and Xbox are doing?

PSN go to be higher considering it is relying on at least 2 generations? Do people still play ps3?

Palworld sure knows how to keep their name in the headline tbh

Giving people a day off is always respect either way, even if management wants to turn into online shill op

if only there were two competitors willing to provide entry level and mid grade cards at prices that a normal person can afford.

because right now nvidia is selling their shit to middle aged, high earning cucks imho

the COVID classic… i swear sony was holding back stock to drive scarcity after supply chain issues have been resolved.

OK… I play to have fun with friends. It seems so far the game games. There is enough other useless idiots to match with so we can all suck together.

I am assuming this an issue for competitive types?

The game is good. But prolly wouldn’t attract the audience without the Disney license tbh

Imagine buying a piece of technology and have some fucking creep in mountain view constantly pinging your device doing god knows what but he is doing this because he think you are spreading CSAM so that’s like totally cool.

Bu here we are and majority of pedons accept it and will even defend the behavior because they got nothing to hide.

Put nest camera with alexa in your bedroom, cuck.

Bro the entire MO of a corporate entity is to leech.

These people own us

I doubt the writing is going to be as good. I have a feeling it will be seriously watered down slop.

Us corporate MO is to treated the end user as stupid fucking bitch that you boss around with ToS.

I mean it works, look at EA and sports ball gamers…

But PC gamer has some shread of respect left. Granted a lot of it comes from knowing better from using steam

i regret not buying 1080 back in the day… that extra 250 bucks would have really paid for itself by now lol

Another CEO joins the line to kiss Trump’s ring

He diluted the shareholder last spring, should have know that he ain’t friend of retail invetor right then and there.

Just slam another launcher on it 🤡

We need more lootboxes

as in available for purchase at MSRP.

lol… these peasants are getting uppity imho

You can’t use the license with we sold you because we can’t jerk off in the corner and watch you play.

Please come back once we fix our shit.

it is a choice for some people… otherwise… amazon lol

I am done doing upgrades of my shit until it breaks.

This parasites got fat off our consumerism and taken the gamer market for granted.

I can adjust my consumption, fuck you.

there are lawyers who make a lot of money when a bunch of consumers get swindled.

orly? it does not seem like that how it works in US. Suing a corpo is not easy. And even when plebs win, corpos keep doing same shit.

Big publishers realizing that gamers have no loyalty to corporate parasites who treat them like shit…

Steam respects the gamer at least…

it seem they either cant make them cheap enough or dont care to take market share?

Yeah i was like, just let me get FreeCAD for this lil modelling projected i wanted to do…

Downloaded open it, try to use it, then tucked my dick… called a pro

If you got hardware, use it until it dies…

Fucking 1070 can still put out decent performance lol