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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Feb 08, 2024


Okay what the hell did I just read?

From my very very rough and cursory glance though: wouldn’t this also likely be infringed by games such as Genshin Impact for their Auto “fuse” (aka enhancement) selection mechanic or does this patent have some more nuanced/specific thing which everyone else did not implement to skirt around it?

Uff this started out for me as being “easy! Minecraft, Factorio and a third one!”

And then quickly and only devolved into an abyss of deliberation…

  • Do I take EU4+DLC+Anbennar because then I would finally have an excuse to actually learn and play this damn game? (Plus having base game and Anbennar basically doubles the replayability)
  • Do I take VintageStory so I can finally learn to actually play it well and start creating meaningful mods for it?
  • Should I take Noita or Caves of Qud? Should they be replacements for DF?
  • Is either of Civ V or Civ VI replayable about for me for this much time?

And from there the more basic questions:

  • Does any of the three games need to be entertaining enough to basically always run or could/should it suffice to simply rotate between them?
  • How much time would I reasonably want to spend playing vs creating?
  • Also am I allowed to spend some time basically daydreaming every day (aka the games are meant more to actually keep me sane rather than get people to recommend good games they have given thought and time to?) or should they/would I want them to keep me occupied basically 15/7?

So yeah, Minecraft probably still stands as there are way too many mods and building ideas for it to (probably?) become truly stale in a lifetime!

And Factorio because I still want to actually finish an AB run for once, or a SE run, or … You get the idea. Buut the third slot would likely be a make or break for this whole endeavor and now it’s back to square one again!

Without the creators having any way to patch in even harder endgame content because you got too close to finishing it too!

And then there are devs/games like Nolla/Noita which specifically included a nice little message for data miners which asked them to keep all the gained secrets a secret until a certain date with a reward for both them and the community if they did and who would have guessed: they did! And now they are immortalized inside the games credits!