Uff this started out for me as being “easy! Minecraft, Factorio and a third one!”
And then quickly and only devolved into an abyss of deliberation…
And from there the more basic questions:
So yeah, Minecraft probably still stands as there are way too many mods and building ideas for it to (probably?) become truly stale in a lifetime!
And Factorio because I still want to actually finish an AB run for once, or a SE run, or … You get the idea. Buut the third slot would likely be a make or break for this whole endeavor and now it’s back to square one again!
And then there are devs/games like Nolla/Noita which specifically included a nice little message for data miners which asked them to keep all the gained secrets a secret until a certain date with a reward for both them and the community if they did and who would have guessed: they did! And now they are immortalized inside the games credits!
Okay what the hell did I just read?
From my very very rough and cursory glance though: wouldn’t this also likely be infringed by games such as Genshin Impact for their Auto “fuse” (aka enhancement) selection mechanic or does this patent have some more nuanced/specific thing which everyone else did not implement to skirt around it?