Software Engineer from Tennessee. I enjoy #gaming, #SteamDeck, #Disney, #StarWars, #StarTrek, and #SciFi (not in a particular order). You can also catch me over at @[email protected]

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: May 13, 2024


So they have no plans…(They have how many games? short of trying an mmo or switching it up 1st/3d person shooter they pretty much know how to make a mega man game)

Tried it in beta…didn’t feel worth it. Just wanted more Black Flag style play.

a) need other and probably better sensors b) need to admit true self driving is a heck of lot more complicated. (consider all the things most drivers subconsciously handle with barely a thought that in fact a computer would have to “see,” acknowledge and compute if action is needed and possibly act on while also dealing with the multitude of other factors . They have things mistaking big obvious things and hitting them. The common analogy of a plane autopilot is apples to oranges. The sky is more or less empty: some birds, weather…but air traffic controllers work very hard to keep planes a fair distance away from each other.

I disagree, they learned not to have it, drop it, and re add it months later. What they failed to learn is the problem was also short of some cross play requirements, people on pc don’t want yet another account requirement.