Implemeting support for v3 is not the same as dropping web request blocking API from v2… Google pays to Mozilla for service they provide having them as default search engine - it’s not a sponsorship…
Saying that, I’ve done some more recent research and Google has already softened their stance on requests blocking with current manifesto proposal of up to 5k dynamic rules with a proposal to extend up to 30k being popular.Sources: proposal:
What is the point of your comment? Everybody and their grandmother (including the bycicles and the EU) understands the point of Google’s changes. There’s no need to prove shit. Chrome is a choice, doesn’t come on any platforms as default (that support extensions). Personally I changed back to FF when they first announced these changes a few years back.
It is, however it doesn’t send data to google. Browser receives the list of all unsafe pages and checks against it locally