Jürgen ist nicht mein echter Name.
I disagree - i think only relying on green electricity is good, but it won’t solve the devastating status we are currently that is the climate catastrophe.
Scientists currently say we are on track of their worst predictions. We need radical change, and one such change is reducing our consumption of resources drastically, globally. Consuming less power makes it much easier to use green electricity for this power.
I think this is the wrong direction of trying to solve the climate catastrophe - as long as Big companies continue their egoistical greed for money, climate catastrophe will accelerate. As those big companies won’t choose inconvenient but necessary solutions, they have to be forced by the state. If money is even a small amount of motivation, it is greenwashing.
We have to kill capitalism. This is the only solution which lets society focus on society instead of money.
The biggest challenge humanity as a whole is currently - i am not exaggerating - solving the climate catastrophe. In this context, i don’t care if machine learning lowers barriers.
I don’t want it even - Because we don’t have that many resources available to solving this existential crisis of humanity. I want energy and resources to spent wisely with benefit to society. Much of how machine learning, AI and bitcoin, etc is used today does nothing (and is even harmful) in that regard.
I think i am hating AI this much is also due to the fact that we as humanity have big troubles fixing the climate catastrophe. And not only does AI in 99% not contribute meaningful things towards this huge challenge, rather it accelerates the problem with its huge energy needs. Needs which i call “waste” compared to the much more important problem of solving climate catastrophe.
It is the same reason i hate bitcoin.
This onion article captures my emotion much better than anything anybody has said in recent years. Because it expresses my Hate towards Managers which much power, much money - who could do lots of great things to society by being ousted. Those managers won’t listen to any arguments i could give, nor would they ever see my argument. They care only about money and greed. By not listing facts this onion article is much more to the point.
It is glorious satire, loving it.
As an IT Professional i hate AI, because many People favor AI in Situations where statistical Algorithms are already good.
I agree that AI can be helpful and inspiring for new Algorithms but in many cases AI is used to replace Algorithms, wasting huge energy resources in the process - instead of just improving said Algorithms.