Exactly, this asset is worth nothing to the CPP if sold.
If it was a fully private company which is supposed to make money, they would sell it and move on to invest their money somewhere else.
Regulating the market is important and is not done enough in the US, last time was decades ago with AT&T and Standard Oil. Today they should have broken up Apple, Google, Amazon, etc. To prevent monopolies but they don’t.
But yeah, politically it’s much easier to go after a Chinese company.
I think this is a easier way to interact with a chatbot than installing an extra app which behaves differently, etc. There are so many features I don’t use in software but others do, so why not.
Actually this makes me think if I could use facebooks llama via matrix on element, instead needing to run it on the command line.
I was really dissatisfied that notes are always somehow weirdly shared with a propriatary backend. There is jtx Board which uses your CalDAV calendar (Nextcloud, Radicale, etc.) as a backend which is really cool. The UI is also OK, but there seems to be no (Linux) desktop app for that.
So I started https://github.com/jeena/JNotes because I was curious about developing for GNOME anyway. It’s going very slowly - because I am a stay at home dad with a one year old who demands all my attention :D - but it’s going forward, but I guess it’ll take another year before it’s usable ^^.
Actually I was hoping that there would be more notes apps using standard backends like CalDAV or IMAP, but it’s almost impossible to find something, everyone seems to want to implement their own backend and then charge for the synchronization.
It’s so good that they make sure we can’t harm ourselves.