I’m a communist 😈
Green hydrogen via electrolysis of seawater without desalination? That actually sounds quite impressive.
The technology costs as little as 11.2 yuan (US$1.57) per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of hydrogen – much less than the current mainstream cost of hydrogen production from natural gas, which ranges from 20 to 24 yuan per kilogram.
This sounds too good to be true! I wonder how it compares to other fuel-equivalents…
This is completely ridiculous.
These authors clearly know nothing about Minecraft. Wow, some nationalists re-enacted a battle on their private Minecraft server. Woe is the world! All of Minecraft has been infected by Russian dezinformatsiya!
Defeating the Nazis is good, actually. And commemorating that is also good, actually.
Yes, we live in the Information Age. We’ve been living in it for decades now, NYT. Nationalist zealots are going to post. They’re going to make reactionary content. It’s nothing new.