I am an anarcho-communist and a lover of all things free and open source. I also love cats of all kinds. You can also find me on Mastodon at @[email protected]
I made it clear in the survey to praise the Adobe Engineer that worked with me today to finally resolve the issue. She was actually the picture of competence and backend knowledge. When my end user hung up, I actually asked her if she lived near me in my state because I was going to recommend her for an engineering position with my agency. I was truly that impressed. The rest of Adobe can get fucked with sandpaper for all I care.
Fuck Adobe with a 20ft light pole! We pay beaucoup dollars for their so-called enterprise support and to say that they suck is to understate things. It took them literally 4 business days to admit that one of our user’s “licensing problem” was a problem on their end. They fixed it and had the nerve to send me a survey. I ripped them a new one on the survey but they likely don’t care.
Quite the opposite @[email protected] . I went to self-hosting everything precisely because I wanted to de-Google and de-cloud. Big Cloud proves over and over again that it lacks the responsibility, accountability, and motivation to take care of my identity. They only care about how they can make me their product.
I’m no Nostradamus but I don’t see this happening because the companies that make their revenue on storage would be crying foul. I don’t see any successful pushes to make local storage illegal. Put it this way: I hope I’m right.