Engineer/Mathematician/Student. I’m not insane unless I’m in a schizoposting or distressing memes mood; I promise.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 28, 2023


Amazing game. I have a bit of a rant to go on about certain a character’s actions.

Tap for spoiler

The way Simon reacts to basically everything hurts me, especially his comments after a certain kind of suicide.

Do any of you who’ve played it actually relate to Simon like not getting the memo and being a fucking dick to Cathrine?

Like I probably would have been scared out of my mind by the fucking monsters, but I’ve thought about transhumanism before so the way the brain scan stuff works did not and would not phase me.

The game is beautiful and terrifying but like god damn I wish I could choose the dialog options. Simon needs to calm down and shut up sometimes.

Freaking out about the unspeakable horrors in the depths would have been fine.

Freaking out because you didn’t ask enough questions to comprehend what was going on and then blaming your only friend who is trapped in this hell with you is not okay.

Sure Catherine is able to do some stuff without conscience but you’re a complete moron and a dick Simon and that’s worse, especially in a situation like this.