Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
Wow, that triggered my trauma really bad for a split second. I used to get told that all the time when I was a kid, just because I was curious and neurodivergent. Eventually I came to see that sentence as a symbol of the poor empathy of neurotypicals for autistic people, and of ableism in general. If you said that in my house to a member of my family you’d probably start a domestic incident, because every autistic person I know has a similar experience.
I’m glad Playstation games are coming out on PC now. I bought a PS4 for the exclusives and the ones I bought it for were good, but I’m never gonna buy a PS5.
Funny thing about owning a console is that when Christmas and birthday come along, non gamer family and friends would rather get you a physical object than a steam key. But a physical object is sooooooo inconvenient. So I own the PS versions of RDR2 and AC Oddysey, and I’ve never finished them and probably never will. They’re good games, but it’s a bad platform. Bloody annoying.
With the digital realm becoming increasingly important and approaching the physical realm in terms of importance and familiarity, I now consider people who use their desktop for everything to literally be hoarders. It’s mental illness. I forgive it in old people but if you grew up on computers and you live like this, this is a clinically significant unwillingness to clean up one’s personal space.
Halo is unique. At a time when the military shooter genre was closed in terrestrial (or at best, mars) spaces, Halo presented natural environments filled with gorgeous alien architecture that presents an ancient mystery and a sense of wonder at the scale and the age of a place. Perfectly augmented by the monk-like vocalisations, Halo defies the conventions of military shooters by putting you in a beautiful place that you have to explore, and slowly come to understand.