Living 20 minutes into the future. Eccentric weirdo. Virtual Adept. Time traveler. Thelemite. Technomage. Hacker on main. APT 3319. Not human. 30% software and implants. H+ - 0.4 on the Berram-7 scale. Furry adjacent. Pan/poly. Burnout.

I try to post as sincerely as possible.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The last time this happened, it took time to get those mines set up and operating. When it slowed down, they mothballed the mines, but they’re still there. It won’t take nearly as long to re-open them.

Earlier than expected. They’ve already kissed the ring, now they’re spreading the cheeks to get at the anus.

That’s Craig, all right. He’s a big believer in “If I do anything with enough confidence nobody will stop me.”

Yeah, that’s Craig. With a heaping side of spite for anything that breathes oxygen.

So it factored a trivial (22 bit) RSA key.

1024-bit RSA has been deprecated for years. 2048-bit RSA is the recommended minimum.

Interesting. Not quite worrisome.

There’s always money to be made in hurting people. It’s part of the human condition.

They’re making way more out of hurting people than they are off of us.

They’re making bank off of it. Next question.

Google pulled it off with GChat. All told, those of us who run our own XMPP servers aren’t even a rounding error when compared to everybody who uses Google Chat, FB Chat, Slack…

Interoperate with it. Add proprietary extensions faster than other implementations can keep up with (at least two orders of mag). Render software that isn’t yours unusable by suddenly cutting over to something else internally; let connection attempts continue for a while to frustrate users while simultaneously releasing your own. Then cut away all points where legacy connection attempts could be done.

And make sure they hear about it in such a way that it seems interesting. The fediverse doesn’t use any basic marketing plan techniques, and enough people are conditioned to them (after a lifetime of growing up surrounded by advertising on television and in their spaces) that anything which doesn’t fit that template scoots right by.

Power cells are batteries. I keep forgetting that not everybody’s worked for Ultium Cells.

Unless somebody specifically installs an explosive charge in a device, it’s highly unlikely that modern power cells will detonate. If you want to get technical about it, they’re incendiaries. They don’t explode, they burn vigorously.

That squares with the greyprints I’ve looked at. However, the article specifically talks about conversion kits.

And those half-assed laws make great pretext laws.

“That guy has a 3d printer! He might be fabbing ghost guns!”

Somebody needs to be seen doing something before the next election.

Incidentally, 3d printed parts aren’t used for conversion kits. They’re machined out of metal stock (and occasionally re-machined original parts).

There isn’t a whole lot of grass around here, it’s pretty built up. And they fly over the parts of California that do have grass in private jets.

Sometimes the Invisible Hand flips you the Invisible Bird.

It always was going to, because of the amount of money thrown at it (and the amount of money that could be saved by firing workers to try to replace them with AI software). Only now are folks actually talking about what was found in the product announcements (because now there’s a reason to).

It’s definitely deliberate in the United States.

GPT: Because nobody in their right mind would waste nukes destroying the Internet.

Trying to kill the Internet Archive would set just the precedent publishers want to kill community libraries.

I’d be surprised if the big publishers didn’t try setting up their own pay-for-access libraries in a few years.

Is it bad that I keep wondering if one of the big book publishers bought a DDoS from somebody’s botnet?

That lawsuit was a long time in coming. Covid just goosed the schedule forward about a year, and probably made it easier.

The number of people who actually change their default settings is quite small. Those of us who have these discussions are a distinct minority in the sum userbase.