work with headphones in. So I wouldn’t contribute to the collaboration that is claimed to take place.
In the new cramped environment with low visual privacy and especially no audio privacy, we all just end up with earpods in. We need the noise isolation to f’n THINK!
So the boss oozes his way over and ‘hums’ and ‘haws’ trying to get our attention before waving and doing that “hey pull out your earbuds so I can talk” gesture that resembles yokels trying to pick up someone in an elevator or on the bus and .
Because he doesn’t.
So that is the life of people I left at the old job, and it’s repeated a thousand times over.
Learn to also say on the phone “this environment has no audio privacy. Can you book meeting and a conference room? Thanks”, if you get too many desk calls.
I seriously wonder why I even have to go to the office the other three days.
You don’t; and you know this already.
I quit my union job when the new hotshot manager started mandating RTO into a newly compressed, hot, bright, loud environment; being able to actually see asses in chairs was his jam, despite the work impact. What a tool.
Found a job with another unionized IT shop, paid for it with a 3% pay cut but got an extra week of vacation (net loss: 3 days pay/yr) and a really great crew and 100% remote written into the contract. Thanks, ya tool.
The plural of anecdote isn’t data.
If it was, we’d not have smoke detectors. After all, most people have gone through 12,000 days without a house fire, so there’s no value.