I would say yes, but probably not for a lot of users. Minecraft isn’t inherently threaded, and the individual cpu cores on this aren’t super fast (though pretty decent). Another bottleneck would be the io speed, which I have no clue on. Also, why the hell would you run a server on a new laptop when you can buy one of their other pieces of hardware for cheaper?
You would have to get a special version of lwjgl for it to even run on risc, and this thing doesn’t have any dedicated graphics hardware. The one guide I saw had Minecraft running on similarish hardware at 2fps.
I would say yes, but probably not for a lot of users. Minecraft isn’t inherently threaded, and the individual cpu cores on this aren’t super fast (though pretty decent). Another bottleneck would be the io speed, which I have no clue on. Also, why the hell would you run a server on a new laptop when you can buy one of their other pieces of hardware for cheaper?