No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That’s what you are A song that goes on and on

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 28, 2023


What? Did the playing cards have their tits out or something?

dx12 and Vulkan titles work fairly well is my understanding.

battlemage is expected to come with much better dx11 support.

Older directx games are getting their calls remapped to Vulkan. This is where most of the problems existed. But it’s much much better than at launch. When they weren’t doing that is my understanding.

My understanding is OpenGL games work fine.

Anyone reading this let me know if anything I said isn’t accurate.

We’ll know for sure once people have them.

But the rumours say that it’s expected to be 30% faster than the 4060.

I used to help test Gmod mods and this was common to find. Sometimes the author would even try to embed an obfuscated check for their own steamid to give them God rights over the multiplayer game session.

We would collect those steam IDs and add them to the ban list. And often switch mods all together.

My biggest problem with the Xbox app is it blocks you from modding the game by default. It’s up to the developer to enable it. And from my perspective I think many of these developers don’t even know it exists.

If I was in their boots I’d go all in the Xbox app. Make it less crap and port all my titles to that.

Maybe even sneak in a new directx with stuff that makes it easier to port games to winderp™️

Yeah it fixed my biggest problems with Divinity.

The ability to push & jump is wild.

The basement that is full of rats caused my UI to flicker and the characters avatar to become corrupted.

So many rats

You can turn it off, it’s just going to be a different character save and only people with it off can play.

Warcraft 2, but I want Laurian studios to do it.

Activision is not trustworthy after the massive warcraft 3 disappointment.

Does anyone know if this game is still being developed?

Wow I can see why they are being sued that’s awful.

HDD storage used to be expensive. It wouldn’t be any surprise to hear they did it to save on costs.

Is this the same game that was on sale for a dollar recently but doesn’t work?

(for the switch)

The first Mario Party felt like a scam. Such a rip-off.

The 2nd Mario Party felt like what it should have been all along.

The 3rd Mario Party should have been a free DLC for the 2nd game.

Yeah this game needs friends. It’s not much fun with randoms since half the time they are talking in discord.

It’s a blast, played it over Halloween.

It’s not possible to do everything in one run as some of the paths are mutually exclusive. Like the quests related to the mother tree. Unless I’m mistaken, it has been a considerable amount of time since I played.

That’s hilarious, probably not in our lifetime but this is the future.

My first run of that divinity 2 took ~75 hours.

I had a great time. There are many QoL fixes in the steam workshop depending on your preferences.

Act 1 can be particularly rough if you’re learning the mechanics and/or trying to play with others.

I don’t think the game expects you to do everything in one run but you’re welcome to try!

I’m hoping we see the courts bust open installing third party apps on consoles too.

Majora’s mask feels full of life. If you’re not familiar it’s a Zelda game based around a 3 day time loop.

I really liked the old assassin creed games but around the time they started scoring your assassinations I started to lose interest it messed with how I felt about my assassinations. Might as well play hitman 47 at that point.

Possibly I was fairly young at the time so I don’t remember it well. But it was great that it worked. We all brought our xboxes to our Friends place who had the internet. Rare at the time where I was and we used that tool to take on the world as a small team. I remember their older brother was supervising us and helped get everything working.

Would be nice to play resident evil without tank controls and goofy workarounds

I remember when people did something similar for Xbox live. It was the only way I could play halo 2 with people. Love projects like that.

I suspect a big part of the process has shifted focus from making an enjoyable experience to how we can milk this for every dollar it’s worth and then some.

It’s risky trying to explore new avenues as a large company you’re expected to deliver unimaginable returns on your investment. So copying the games that did well will hopefully perform better that quarter. As opposed to spending resources on expanding the engine or trying out a novel idea.

On top of that I suspect the executives are envious of the addictive cash burning cycle that gacha games provide.

I feel like too many games have and continue to copy the formula established by Minecraft and Far Cry 3. I find the experience of exploring a new zone, climbing a tower, unlocking material xyz then rinse and repeat. To be boring and unimaginative. But it seems like I’m the weird one here and people seemingly adore it.

I thought the inventory management of BoTW was awful. It’s not fun to complete a cool quest line get a cool item and for it to break forever after two fights. Wtf

Crafting games such as Valheim have nothing to do aside from grinding for the sake of grinding. Sure building a cool house had some appeal but it’s overall just intentionally tedious.

Baldur’s Gate III was a breath of fresh air. I actually have been thinking for a while that maybe I just didn’t like games anymore until it came out.

I’m also about to start my first Elden Ring run with a group of friends for the first time soon. Excited for that.

The Dark Pictures Anthology has some fantastic stories if anyone is interested.

The lights were such a big deal. Took some serious compute for the era.

If I understood the premise correctly, wasn’t it the first full dive MMO? That would make any game popular.

Any idea if I got the CPU as a gift would they still replace it?

I was very tempted to pick BG3 but lacking patch 7. I would be too frustrated about needing to mod the game the hard way.

I learned by watching other people play it on YouTube. aavak has some great videos where he explains the character creator and the meta.

And now they added graphics :o

I’d select the following, noting that if I follow the rules strictly games like Gary’s mod are disallowed because they are multiplayer.

  1. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead This is a game that could theoretically be played forever. Following the rules strictly I’ll be able to use the open source aspect to tweak it.

  2. Sims 3 Why not 4? Well 3 has more mature mods and expansion packs to enjoy. I’m less likely to be stuck with a big bug.

  3. OpenViva let’s face it, I’m going to be really lonely and as I slowly drift into insanity a VR escape filled with waifus may be exactly what I need to hold on. Plus it’s open-source and it’s plenty of time to learn how to use blender.