He/Him They/Them
Working in IT for about 15 years. Been online in one way or another since the late 90’s.
I like games / anime but very picky with them.
Cats are the best people.
I still don’t really get this law. I’m not one to defend big tech companies but everyone’s spent the better part of the past 20 years doing everything they could do their websites to appear at the top of search results. Now they’re mad they appear and want to be paid for the privilege of being made discoverable on the web?
If it wasn’t for search results, sites like lemmy/reddit and my android phone’s news feed I would not go to any of these sites to begin with, ever.
A bad CEO/Company owner trickles down to everything under them in the company. They pass major decisions or budgets (or lack thereof) that work their way down to everything if not immediately then over time. Toilets not getting cleaned probably comes down to people either not getting paid or being fired to avoid having to pay them, resulting in either no custodial staff or insufficient staff. There’s no way to defend him about this.
Have to think of it more like how quantum computers are right now. You aren’t going to be running minecraft or a web browser on it, but it’ll probably be very good at doing certain things. Those things can either be in their own silo never interacting directly with a traditional computer, or information will be sent between them in some way (such as sending a calculation job, then receiving the answers). That send/receive can afford to be slow if some translation is needed, if the performance gains on the actual task are worth it. It’s not like a GPU where you would expect your frames to be rendered in real time to play a game.
Eventually that may change but until then it’s no more than that, articles like these put a lot of hype on things that while very interesting can end up misleading people.
I live in canada so my solution for news now will be to spin up some self hosted app that will scrape all the content and create an RSS feed that doesn’t require me to go to their website. Obviously not everyone can do this but it’ll overall be hurting the news sites more than anything, they literally advocated for a law that might ruin them.