I’m not sure why government employees can even use their work phones to install personal applications. Isn’t the whole point of a work phone using it for work?
I imagine that a bunch of these employees are just not buying a personal device and using their work provided ones as their main device (I see the same in the corporate world as well.)
#DropKiwifarms works to end the relationship between far-right hate forum Kiwi Farms and the digital service providers that keep Kiwi Farms active online
Is KF even far right? I was always under the impression it was just an extension of 4chan focused on gossip about minor e-celebrities.
Not that I support Kiwi Farms, but I just find applying the “far right” label to everything offensive kind of loaded at this point.
Even if the messages are end to end encrypted I wouldn’t trust a third party with that data (unless it was a company that does it for a living.)
I’d probably recommend running your own instance, I imagine for that few users it would be pretty cheap. Though maintenance is probably the biggest issue there.
Or just use a third party Matrix server but send client info over email using GPG keys. That would cost you nothing.