Imagine you could sell $39.99 shovelware to almost every single kid that watches Jimmy Neutron, because you’re gonna drown that show in ads for it.
The child then grinds down the parents’ resolve and the money is eventually spent.
I totally didn’t witness this first hand when sculpting feces into nickelodeon-shaped games.
The original ending was a very “that’s it?” moment.
The actually added a new game-over condition, by allowing you to just shoot the annoying reaper child, to quell the frustrations people felt.
Even in the remaster is still feels like a choice between red, blue, or green color endings.
RIP Marauder Shields, the true final boss of ME3 🙏
That, to me, is the real tragedy of Mass Effect, looking back through this new lens. BioWare seems to have borrowed many concepts from Revelation Space, but very little of it is explored with any depth, and none of the ideas are given new twists that improve upon them.
Damn, didn’t expect a thoughtful analysis of Revelation Space and its impact on Mass Effect.
But since Mass Effect avoided most of the extra weird stuff, the ending of Mass Effect 3 never really had a chance to be good.
Ahh, can’t talk about ME without addressing the elephant in the room the controversial ending.
Good read 👍
As one who played every Dragon Age game, this expresses much of how I feel as well.
After such a long wait I wanted another Origins or Inquisition, but I got something else and it was a fine, forgettable, C+ entry. A game that wants you to wave a giant foam finger instead have thoughtful choices, but at least it delivered an ending.
The schadenfreude here is delicious, alas the perils of being such a vehemently player-hostile game publisher 😂