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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m looking forwards to getting stuck into the story mode this weekend, though I have to wonder if I’ll be able to finish it given how long it’s been since I’ve played anything that needs reflexes, lol

Mostly I got the game to play with my partner, and on that front it’s been excelent so far :-)

Mortal Kombat 11 on sale for PS4
Not a very old game, but I just picked up the "Ultimate Edition" for €10 on sale, first time I've touched a fighting game since the first Soul Caliber on Dreamcast. It seems to have a mountain of content, doesn't take itself too seriously (Rambo Vs. Robocop!), and isn't full of long combos, flashing lights, or confusing perspective changes. I'm not normally one for fighting games, but it's being a lot of fun for me right now :-)