Bought this on PC a few days ago for $16 and it’s so boring.
It’s just the same stuff over and over?
Rdr2 has really ruined games for me. Like I can’t even jump on a rock and shoot my bow from on top of it, because they put invisible walls around it, despite it being the perfect height to jump onto.
I haven’t purchased games on release day for a LONG time, unless it’s a game I just simply cannot wait. Everything else is on Steam for 75-90% off.
There’s really no point. Nearly every game launches these days completely broken. They have a ton of DLC or “special” editions for $150 CAD, and overall it’s a shit experience.
Buy that shit for 75% off, complete edition, and full of bug fixes (or mods that fix everything).
YouTube link for those who prefer it. Sorry, piped just refuses to load videos for me. I don’t have all day to sit around and troubleshoot a 50 second video.
That’s my biggest gripe with consoles. Even if you have a working console, and even if you have a TV that can display composite, It’s not going to look amazing.
Meanwhile, there are mods on PC to make Oblivion 4K.
Or even if you take the performance of consoles. There are a lot of PS3 and PS4 games that are poorly optimized, and they dip below 10 frames per second often.
I mean hell, Xenia emulation gets better frames in RDR1 than Xbox 360 or PS3. In fact, RDR1 runs like shit on those consoles, getting an average of something like 20fps.