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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


Exactly. Apple is literally half of the US government’s current propaganda conduit.

Not to mention, if you’ve got even 1 billion USD to burn, you can hire one heck of a merc. group.

Apple grosses between 150b and 170b annually.

Demanding they pay more than they make in a year would lead to a 3 trillion dollar company going to war against their government. And not just a court battle. We are nearing the point at which corporations can contest with governments.

Imagine the entire next generation being brainwashed into disrupting supply chains. Gen Z children sabotaging transportation routes, physically protesting, because their status symbol told them the government was corrupt.

Could the USA take Apple? Yes. But that’s a fight they’d be wise to not incite.

Depends on how big the fine is. Anything with an ‘m’ instead of a ‘b’ is just the cost of doing business.

universal generalism

It’s hard to go to work and have these conversations over and over again

I had a conversation with one of my mates, who was convinced, “AI is creative in the same way humans are creative. Therefore AI is actual intelligence.”

It was a struggle to try to explain how LLMs aren’t creative at all, can’t conceptualize understanding, and are unable to determine whether they know something or not. I think I used painting terms, and AI being unable to consistently categorize a new color without being re-trained. He disagreed. Full blown nutter with no more understanding of the tech than you can find on FB, but he’s certain he knows best.