Can they also stop harassing me to turn it on? The placement of the accept button is idiotic too because it’s directly over where the normal nav options are. I accidentally turn it on all the time, need to frantically stop the backup, and then log into the desktop site to delete the photos it grabbed. It’s extremely annoying.
I always considered Birth by Sleep to be the last good entry to the series. Admittedly I never played the actual game of 358/2 and only got the cinematic version from the collection.
I was a massive fan of 1 and 2 as a kid and did a full series playthrough prior to the release of 3. I had a blast through BBS, but my god it was a slough in the later games(including 3).
I understand being frustrated with f2p shenanigans and microtransactions, but I think that frustration is blinding you to some of the bigger picture issues at play. I agree that microtransactions are a problem, but honestly fps games are one of the few genres where I would say a f2p and live-service model actually makes the most sense.
Before the prevalence of battle passes most games followed the CoD model where a new game would be released every year or two and you would be forced to buy it because the player population of the older game would die off drastically. With live-service it allows the dev to still update games and gives players a reason to keep coming back every season to keep playing a game. An fps game is only as healthy as how large and diverse in terms of skill range its player population has.
I’m also excited for Deadlock though. It will hopefully keep doing everything right that Battleborne failed at and looks really fun.
You kind of just explained exactly why the game failed without realizing it. You’re exhausted and bored with the genre as a whole and a new flavor of the same games that already exist isn’t innovative enough to entice new players. We’ve seen a long line of hero shooters that were dead on arrival because they have nothing new to offer and Concord is no different.
I was specifically asking how Deadlock felt.
I’ve played quite a bit of MOBA’s before, coincidentally the other big third person ones Smite and Paragon, so I’ve got a decent feel for builds and macroplay and I’m not necessarily worried about those aspects.
I grew up as a console gamer but exclusively play on PC now so I’ve found for fps games I have trouble competing because my aim isn’t as great.
I’m a new Steamdeck owner so I just wanted to get used to the console honestly. I have Moguri installed on PC, but I have a hard time playing jrpgs on anything but handhelds nowadays.
I know there are tutorials, but at this point I’d mostly be worried that it’s not compatible with an existing save. I don’t want to redo all the Choco Hot and Cold 😂
Yeah I felt the same on some level, but the performance wasn’t too bad to the point it was impactful until you got to the final open area at least.
I wish the steamdeck had existed when it SMT released or I would have waited a couple years for the PC release. JRPG’s just lend themselves so well tobeing played on handhelds.
I agree full price is steep, but to be fair 1.5/2.5 is like 4 or 5 different games (plus a few cinematic movies for lore from the obscure handheld games) in one and the remasters are actually really well done and add a bunch of content. I don’t know how they perform on PC though since it’s a Square port.
I also expect they’ll try to work it back in somehow to capture more revenue and/or data. If it’s not this again in a stealthier form, then it’ll be something similar. No crossplay without PSN or no credit store without PSN, something like that.
This is moreorless what I’m expecting. They will either strongly incentivize it when the publicity dies down or place restrictions on those that don’t link accounts.
No, I dont and if you truly need to be pedantic a logarithmic curve makes even less sense. It’s a generally linear experience curve with each level being about 20-30% more than the previous, but the number get exceptionally large after a while. Level requirements aren’t scaled based on time required, they’re scaled on number of experience points required.
Edit: Sorry for the Reddit link but the image is too high res to attach in a comment. Exp Curve Visualization
The game has exponential level growth. The amount of time it takes to go from level 1-250 is like the same as the time it takes to go 298-299…everyone has a breaking point.
Edit: The article specified that he was leveling at about .065% per hour at the end. That’s over 1500 hours to go from level 299 to 300.
It’s a little tough to narrow down without more features of the gameplay or world, but maybe you’re thinking of Starsector?
An indie band can still have a record label backing them, but calling themselves that sets an expectation that their music will likely be outside of mainstream appeal. The same goes for indie films which can still have massive budgets and distribution channels thanks to major studio backing. They just tell stories that won’t follow the formulaic mold that big picture releases are beholden to.
You kind of have to disconnect the word “indie” from meaning “independent.” The industry has matured enough that indie refers more to an overall aesthetic and expectation for consumers rather than a fully independent game dev. Publishers are ultimately acknowledging the legitimacy of indie games as a part of the market and dipping their hands in them. I’d still expect the studios to retain most of the creative and design control, but they’ll have access to the marketing, analysis, and distribution relationships that publishers can provide.
Yeah I wouldn’t expect them to reinvent the wheel at this point. I think the only major difference that should reasonably be expected is in the change to the newer Unreal Engine. Better graphics, better optimization in the codebase(hopefully), and better performance. Otherwise I expect everything to be similar, but it’s too early to say anything for certain I suppose.
I haven’t been keeping up in the update news recently and I actually wasn’t aware there was a new big update planned.
I don’t think I’ve started a new farm since at least 1.3 at this point so I’ve got a lot to explore right now. I try not to play too much because when I do my girlfriend also remembers the game exists and then I can’t use my computer for three months and I have to beg her to eat and shower 😆
I didn’t dive into the details of what each other dev contributed, but I would believe that given what I know of the project. The game has such a focused and meticulous art, music, and gameplay direction that I can see how he would want to exercise full control and not dilute it.
I’ve always thought the game was a huge undertaking for a solo dev also so I’m glad he didn’t burn himself out. The game being a massive commercial success probably helps immensely though.
Coincidentally I started a brand new farm when I was having a bad day a few days ago. The work that was out into the game shines through brightly every time.
Yeah, I think ultimately my expectations got the best of me for this one. I’d heard nothing but praise of the game for so long and wasn’t looking at the game through the lens of the development limitations of it’s time period. I’ll still probably finish the game, but I am a bit disappointed and probably won’t play the second.
At this point I’m definitely going to finish the game, so we’ll see if my opinions change at the end of it all. If I’m still struggling to get into it I’ll definitely give Black Mesa a shot so I appreciate the suggestion and clarification.
I guess my expectations were way out of whack because I’d heard nothing but praise of the game for 20 years.
If that’s truly what the game is about I don’t know that it’s for me then. Outdated graphics aren’t actually a big issue for me and with the updated patch on the base game they really are not bad at all.
Most of my issues come from game direction and design. I can only run straight down a hallway with no idea why for so long before it just starts to feel tedious. If the Black Mesa map redesigns helps to give more area traversal options I would definitely think again though.
It doesn’t cause panic, but I don’t back up my photos on my Google drive because I don’t want to and I don’t need to. So every time it forces me to accidentally turn it on, the sooner I stop it the fewer pictures I need to individually delete from my drive. It’s a massive hassle that shouldn’t happen.