I’ve had a really random relationship with his game over the years. When it came out in 2016, I got it at release on PS4, and I was stressed to the nines studying for my final exams after a long articling period. It was really cathartic for that, just aimlessly floating around for hours when I was getting really burnt out, like it was the right game for the right time in my life.
I have to give these guys lots of kudos, like they were the original Cyberpunk 2077 (also suffered from a lot of over hype which maybe wasn’t 100% on them to begin with), but they more than made it right over the years. Like show me another game that has had this much development and universe building over pretty much a decade, and hasn’t really charged for any of it. I’m not really sure you can, there’s not very many game publishers that have done this.
The thing is with it though, I still just get distracted off of it after a small period of time. Like I really like this game, and it’s followed me onto PS5 and I’ve got an iteration of it on my PC too. But it can only hold my attention for a few days, like I still haven’t really accomplished much in it, returning several times over the years. I, too, experience what you describe, like it’s just really weird that way. It’s a game I haven’t even scratched the surface on, but it’s also provided me with several hours of observation over the years. It’s almost like it’s a piece of art in that way more than a traditional video game. It’s really hard to describe.
Is this so called sudden price drop of previous gen cards going to happen though? Because it hasn’t for the past couple generations. Both AMD and NVIDIA continue to play games with artificial stock shortages to keep the prices pushed up.
Also it sounds like theres some really fucking bad tarrifs coming if you live in North America. So I’m not sure I’d hold off if I found a really good deal on a card right now.
This is all on the manufacturer. AMD often does this, gets themselves a whole lot of press, to release like 10 units to the public. Then they bask in all the, “people are fighting to get it” press. Look at what they did with those 7900XTX cards, like they pretty much pushed me right onto nvidia’s lap. I’ll never be able to wrap my head around this strategy, why they think it’s a winner. It’s great that you have a good chip, but if most can’t get it, then what do you expect your sales to be like? I mean I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve queued for a computer chip, because it’s zero.
Also $700 isn’t going to buy you much of a PC if you don’t have one already. Maybe mid spec 1080p.
Not that I’m arguing for PC. I’m pro-console in most circumstances. Only for power modders, power gamers or power purchasers would I maybe argue that PC is the better route. Everyone else, console 100% (except this joke of a console).
Could someone (politely) explain why anyone who criticizes steam gets absolutely scorched?
I mean I’m a user, on the PC it’s probably the platform I purchase on the most. I’ve also used Epic, GOG, and a few of the others. Like most, I’m getting pretty annoyed by having to load what seems like 15 different platforms to play a variety of games.
But I’ve never understood this blind absolute cult-like following of steam. What makes them absolutely beyond any reproach or criticism? Especially when at least Epic gives away lots of free games (like I think I’ve spent about $20 bucks on that platform, yet it seems like I have just about every game known to man in my library). Or others that don’t mess around with DRM, etc. So what gives?
Take a step back man, you gotta look out for number 1. You aren’t abandoning anything or anybody. Being connected like this is great in some ways, and in some other ways it’s literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to the human race. That isn’t on your shoulders, and its quite an admirable thing to say you know what, I need a break. Not many other people have the courage to do so.
I’m sure you’ll find some happiness and some colour on the other side bro, here’s to you finding it 🤜🏼
There’s nothing with modern complexities that is going to last that long. Think of the complexities of today’s system. I mean I’ve got my original PlayStation, it’s 25 or 26 years old now, and it mostly functions to your point, but it also hasn’t been heavily played (or really played at all) for about 20 years. But my PS2, I went through three of them in 6 years. My Xbox is almost 20 years old, it’s my second (and is making weird noises). And so on. My PS4 at 10 years old runs, but makes a ton of noise and is definitely slower than it used to be. It ain’t making it to 20, that’s for sure, I mean maybe now that it gets zero use it might.
My point is, the more intense they got, the more problems I started to have. As the boomers like saying too, shit ain’t built like it used to be.
As others have said, it really depends on the game. But I would say >90% of my PC gaming is done with a controller. I’ve just become so adapted to them, that the keyboard and mouse just feels foreign now. Even with FPS, most of the time I use a controller. I’m aware of the advantages of using a mouse obviously, but again I’m just conditioned to it now.
Fable is forever the game to me where the most complicated love triangles take place. I had a whole town in Fable II both trying to marry me and murder me, all at once. I’m honestly not even sure what happened in that game or what I was supposed to do, I was too busy managing the crazy hexagonal relationship dramas I had found myself entagled in.
I agree with you on the second paragraph for sure. That’s a code issue here. But I suspect that a decision maker holding a budget at a development company, is going to struggle to want to spend development dollars on a product that has saturated 1% or however many percent of the market (we all know it’s super low).
There’s really only three ways to increase saturation though, to incite development: 1 - Create a product that’s a must have, which this pretty clearly isn’t. 2 - Target a core part of the market and bombard them with marketing and special pricing, which they pretty clearly aren’t. Or the ol’ usual go to, 3 - Cut the price to a level where people will make spur of the moment purchasing decisions to buy the product. 3 being about the only way, yet Sony has done none of this.
I remember buying the PSVR back in 2016, and while driving home being like, “Jesus did I really just spend $600 CAD on this?” If this same headset was $199 or maybe max $299 CAD, this wouldn’t even be a conversation and my dumb ass would probably have a PSVR2 downstairs right now, as would many many other people. It would be the ideal Christmas present for many people and kids at that price, especially when some of us have cranky wives that ask us what we want for Christmas, and we always just say I dunno, don’t worry about it. You’d probably would have way more games being developed too, because the thing would probably sell a heck of a lot better. Which brings me to my main point, if they can’t deliver the mainstream headsets in this sort of price range, I kind of question the feasibility of VR as a whole. No one wants to effectively pay for the equivalent of another PlayStation for something that is mostly novelty and of questionable lifespan/usage.
I think I struggled to get to 20 hours, and now the things just a dust catcher in the living room, forever in the way. I couldn’t play it for more than 10 minutes without feeling like I was going to hurl, with the exception of 3 games (Resident Evil 7, which was awesome, Blood and Truth, which was also awesome, and that headbanging ball at the wall game the thing launched with, which was weirdly addicting and awesome). Even with those games, I could do an hour max, and it still made me queasy. That whole screen door thing was what did it, plus the blurry graphics and the lack of fresh air inside it. I’m sure the newer VR headsets are a lot better, but every time I walk by the dust catcher in the living room, I’m reminded to be wiser with my money.
I think PSVR2 was dead in the water before it was even released. It was pretty clear that nobody was going to pay that price, then Sony would do exactly what they are doing now, no more development, no more marketing, basically just letting it die a slow death. Which is on par with what they did with PSVR1. This whole PC thing is a low effort last ditch effort.
I remember telling people on Reddit on release day, that this thing was going to be a disaster, and getting down voted to like -144. None of those doornails are here to see this, but man was I fucking right.
Now if they would have priced it at like $199 or $299 maybe, we’d be having a different conversation, and I’m sure there’d be way more games being developed.
For my work PC I feel like this could be really handy honestly. If it actually worked. Which AI never reliably does (nor Microsoft for that matter). AI feels like a pyramid scheme to me at this point, I mean this is bad and I get that, I’m just being honest. But I’ve never been able to get it to do something I actually wanted to that wasn’t more than a simple task.
But then all this said, any desire is immediately cancelled when I think about stuff like my work could probably use this to spy on me, and I’m pretty sure this means somebody could spy on my work, so I’m not so sure they’d be super for this tech either.
In my personal case a PS5 would be just fine. I spent a pile of money building an overpowered gaming PC, I’m in my 40s, work too much and have young kids, in retrospect it was kind of stupid. Should have just bought the PlayStation, but anyways, what do you do. It is fun to build and troubleshoot/fine tune them, I do enjoy that part. And I do get the appeal for others that want to mod and the like, it’s just not personally that applicable.
Epic has had some good holiday giveaways over the years, but this one is a dud. This has to be the third or fourth time they’ve given Control.