  • 1 Post
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Apr 21, 2022


Didn’t had any issue with it so far. Not sure what you’re facing though. It just has some basic setup (nothing complicated). Maybe look to one of the step-by-step guide on the internet to find out where things are going wrong?

I can assure you the BAT token (Brave Rewards) is disabled here. And which other settings are you referring to?

I’m hopeful something like Sponsorblock will show up for (twitch and others) and save the day

Advertisement directly injected into the video stream (such as Twitch/Netflix) can be harder to block for any current adblockers

Both (all) ads are bad though. I would rather have none of them while surfing the web. NextDNS and uBlock has been such a friend over the years for me regarding that 🥰