Yeah I was wrong with the reddit comment. People like you living in your echo chambers is just an internet thing, not really a reddit thing. I’m ok with people like you on the internet calling me pathetic too, tbh. It means you had 0 comeback to the discussion. Look into argument debate info bro, what you just did is textbook ‘I lost’ stuff.
Stick to the gaming industry I guess. Not understanding that questioning something and saying there are much worse issues does not = defending. You might be better served pushing your compatriots to actually, I don’t know, get things they want in their contracts. My guess is you’re a late teen early 20s person working at gamestop for 12 years and feels that equals ‘working in the industry for 12 years.’ Good on you tho!
If you think this is dehumanizing, you got some rough lessons when you join the workforce. That being said, I’m not defending it in the least. I just think it’s minuscule in the grand scheme of ‘bad things a company can do to its workers’ and if anything should teach the translators to get it in any future contracts. But then again, I’m in compliance management. I’ve seen companies discard poultry machines because they had a guard removed and they wanted to hide that from OSHA (and lawyers) to ‘improve throughput’ that then eventually cut a woman’s hand half off, then fire employees who told OSHA who and why the guard was removed. Not getting your name credited on some work, OHTEHNOES THE TRAGEDY!! Fuckin grow up.
Except if there actually is an issue (we still haven’t heard from the people affected by this) then this accomplishes next to nothing. If this generation continues to rely on fickle internet FOMO crap instead of, I don’t know, actually attempting to solve their problems, nothing is going to get better. We’ve turned companies into ‘internet responders’ who care more about their internet image than actually taking care of their workers. If this group of workers is actually affected by this as negatively as the internet feels, then they need to work for change internally in their industry. This is just a shiny thing the internet picked up on before it moves on to the next.
I think it boils down less to comparing industries at the end of the day, and more about ‘what do the actual supposed oppressed translators think’? I see a lot of white knighting and back seat posturing, but nothing from the supposed slighted translators. If in fact being listed in credits is that important, why wasn’t it in their contract? One thing about any industry, don’t assume something important is going to happen. Get it in your contract.
I guess the disconnect is that this is common practice in most industries. Is it right? I can’t really comment on that. Do team leads or EC members get their name on things when 100’s of people worked tirelessly under them and they networked at the golf course? Yes…all the time in business. Maybe this is different in the gaming industry.
Sure, sorry was heading to bed when I wrote that last one and forgot all about it. Edit: also, the latest conspiracy is that EA payed off Paradox interactive to pull the project…but that is pretty fringe and far fetched.