I also work in ML, and it’s really hard to convince people that generative AI is just a gimmick and does not have the same value as other kinds of models like classification models. Computers should do utilitarian things, not social things.
Using AI to automate simple tasks is the future. Using AI to automate complex human tasks that involve socialization should not be the future.
Even some non-generative graphics AI like GroundingDINO and SAM have excellent uses for graphic artists and photographers that don’t betray the creative process or remove the human from the process of creation.
But once you get the AI to try to be original, or perform a social task, you’re headed the wrong direction. This is all short term hype. In the long term, either the bubble pops, or we find ourselves locked in a prison with our monsterous creation.
Google never did make backups of the Internet, why are we pretending like they ever did? Cached webpages were a basic workaround for third-party website downtime; a guarantee that you could reliably see the information you searched for, even if the linked site was down. It was nothing more than a snapshot of the webpage their crawlers saw, where older copies are permanently deleted with every new crawl of the page.
It was never an archival effort, it was a rotating cache. If you were under the impression for all these years that Google was preserving Internet history, I don’t know why, because Google never claimed to be doing that. Maybe it’s time to reevaluate any other altruistic things you’re assuming that mega corporations are up to…
Shoplifting is happening because the economy is fucked, and plenty of people see the risk of shoplifting to be worth the reward of access to the things they need.
You can be a compassionate person, and work fix this problem by offering better safety nets and access to human needs to the needy, or you can take the fascist route and demand expansion of the state to punish the poor even further.
I dunno, Google Takeout exists, and I still have plenty of concerns about their offerings.
Oddly, Google Keep Notes isn’t included in Takeout…