Firm believers in Marxism Leninism, cartoons, being a transwoman, and the need for Gulags (I will re-educate you ❤). A disillusioned ex lib and ex mormon, and resident of occupied hawaii. The Empire must burn.
The article states that part of social score.
the article is bullshit, so yeah its going to reference other bullshit. You don’t know shit about china, you know it from these lazy articles.
Try not paying some bills and then take a train. Once you’re in the blacklist (失信黑名单) you’re basically fucked, as id cards are electronically checked at least 4x per trip
did you make up that fanfic in your own head or are you parroting one of your lib buddies
search up any of these names on Baidu
if caring about privacy and not wanting companies and governments to watch everything you do is “the ideology of a suburb liberal”, then fine, I’m a “suburb liberal” lol
strawman, love to see it. How is any of what you said relevant?
Im unapologetic about my love of Marxist freedom, I wonder why you feel the need to hide your ideology…
ah yes, im going to act smug to pretend I have a point
redditor, leave your lingo at the door
Just because people are paid to do a job doesn’t mean it isn’t still coercion. Wages aren’t consent. I know you don’t believe the lie that people can just choose their job or have unlimited choices and just choose to be poorer people for the kicks.
expats aren’t exactly known for being the most grounded people