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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2024


Sure, but also having non-instanced housing heavily favors those with more time and/or money. I played Arche Age during its initial launch, but I had to work during the time they released housing plots. By the time I was able to log on, the only available plots were out in the middle of nowhere, which sucked with the limited fast travel options. You also have FFXIV with its instanced housing districts, where on many servers, good luck trying to get a plot. Sure, you could join a FC who has a house and claim a room, but that’s pretty lame compared to being able to design the whole house + surrounding yard.

The most compelling argument I see in favor of console exclusives is they’re usually high quality, with little to no MTX, as they’re used as system-sellers. As much as I dislike exclusivity of any sort, we are now seeing those titles come to pc, so pc gamers are also benefiting from console exclusivity to some degree.

I tried it at one point before trying any Monster Hunter games, and I found it really boring. I was legitimately getting drowsy when fighting the second monster and found it much easier to just chug a potion, rather than try to dodge its attacks. Monster Hunter World, on the other hand, was exhilarating from the first large monster you hunt. So… did Dauntless get better as you progressed?

I agree with that. I think it’s time for Terror-Billy to go on a rampage again.

I would be far less against a price hike on games if they all just charged the base price and that’s it (and of course there’s an argument for any substantial DLC/expansions). But no, of course there will be multiple editions of the game, plus any number of DLCs which may or may not include any actual gameplay, plus in-game mtx.

Personally, I’ve yet to spend even $70 on a game, and I plan to keep it that way for the forseeable future.

5 years later after the contract is up…

The game downloads a patch that replaces Nolan North or Jennifer Hale or whoever’s voice with Microsoft Sam.

I haven’t played RoR1, but loved RoR2, but I also tend to prefer 3d games over 2d. I haven’t played since the latest xpac, so I don’t know if they fixed the things they broke or not.

This is more of a “scummy business” article than an “Epic bad” article. The directors in question were sitting on the boards of both Epic Games and Tencent. This was seen as an issue because while Tencent holds a minority share of Epic, they also completely own competitors, such as Riot.

Rise is fine to start with, and yes, I agree with the tutorial stuff. There are a lot of game mechanics, though, so I get the tutorial stuff.

Yeah, pretty much. I tried Dauntless before any MH game, and called it quits after the first two monsters. I felt I was getting drowsy during the fights. I eventually stopped dodging their attacks since they didn’t hit very hard, and I had tons of potions.

I tried Monster Hunter World afterward, and the first large monster fight (Great Jagras) was thrilling, and I was immediately hooked.

One of my buddies had the same experience with Dauntless, and it took a lot of convincing to get him to try MHW afterward.

I don’t really buy youtuber merch, but I bought a couple things from GN after their investigative work with the latest Asus warranty debacle. Excellent channel and Steve and crew deserve all the support they can get.

This was me, too. Over the past few years, I noticed I was having less and less fun with games, and was getting bored with them more quickly, even good ones that are right up my alley. I ended up starting a new hobby (gunpla) and couldn’t be happier. I still game some, but only a small fraction of what I used to.

Maybe I’m weird, but I prefer the Joycons over any other Switch controller I’ve tried, including their Pro controller. It is SO NICE to be able to position my hands wherever I like, to the point where holding a standard controller basically feels like handcuffs. Even using my Xbox controller on pc feels bad in comparison. Also worth noting that 99%+ of my play time is docked.

World of Warcraft - over 11k hrs

Guild Wars 2 - over 5k hrs

Warframe - 2200 hrs

Minecraft - who knows… a lot

Sounds like this game just isn’t for you, then. Their updates for the most part have just been expanding the ocean without making it any deeper for years, and at this point, it is what it is.

I jumped back into NMS a few months ago and had a good time with it. I liked the simple mechanics, since I wanted a game I could fly around and explore in without having to think too deeply.

This has been a thing since TCG mounts and pets… back in TBC.

I won’t bother with any more of an argument since you’ll probably nuke this thread, too. I suggest you stop flapping your butt about WoW and go find a game you enjoy that respects your time and money.

I saw the update on Steam, but didn’t look very closely since it’s been some time since I’ve played RoR2. It’s good to see they’re committed to making the DLC good.

You and I must have played different versions of BC, because I remember people running around like they fell out of bags of Skittles with their armor, silly transformations (Noggenfogger, anyone?), and other goofy things. WoW has always had a healthy dose whimsy (both intentional and not) mixed in.

Pandas looking badass and Dracthyr not is purely subjective.

I think you have rose-tinted glasses on, friend.

He gives a lot of detail as to why he likes or doesn’t like various things, so you can determine for yourself if they’re important to you or not. SKillUp is my favorite reviewer, and I definitely don’t agree with him on all his takes.

I’d like to think I’m an engineer, but if we’re being honest, I’m much closer to chef.

Looks interesting, but the pricing puts it in the same ballpark as many handheld gaming PCs, and I’m failing to see a use case for this over one of those, unless you wanted the bit of extra speed for whatever you’re doing. You could plug peripherals into a handheld pc just as easily.

It will be releasing on Steam and Xbox on the same day.

A lot of these Playstation trailers are borderline misleading. I don’t expect Sony to advertise for other platforms, but the way they present things make it look like a PS5 exclusive.

I uninstalled Epic Online Services right after installing the game, and the only difference now is I get a warning screen that it’s not installed whenever I start the game up. It’s still BS that I should have to manually uninstall something I never wanted, though.


  1. Describing the graphics/art style as broken or ugly is highly subjective. A lot of WoW players like the art style as it is. I would’ve preferred the graphics got updated when I played, but it is what it is.

  2. Updating assets and textures takes art resources, which means taking designers off of working on new projects. Blizzard’s allocation of resources is another discussion entirely, though.

  3. A lot of WoW players play WoW and nothing else, and a lot of them play on hardware that’s barely able to run the game. Check the forums whenever the system requirements get updated with new expansions and see all the people complaining about not being able to afford new hardware. Now, Blizzard definitely shouldn’t support everyone’s dinosaur PCs forever, but they risk cutting off portions of their playerbase whenever they raise the system requirements, so I’m sure that’s taken into account.

  4. WoW’s engine is built in-house and OLD, and started as a heavily modded Warcraft 3 engine. They most likely face significant challenges whenever they want to add or update anything, including graphics.

Note: Take my post with a grain of salt, as I stopped playing in 2018 and haven’t been playing the closest attention since.

It’s mostly noticeable in the menus for BL2. Navigating with a mouse is kinda jank, where it is much snappier when using keys.

That’s unfortunate. I was kinda looking forward to this one.


I loved the premise and the gameplay. I’m disappointed (but understand why) EA didn’t greenlight the project to revamp the game.

This game is a prime example why I avoid early access games. I liked the premise and aesthetic, but they had a rough start. Looks like they’re going in a good direction and I’m looking forward to see what they do next.

There are mountains of great games out there and no one has the time to play them all.

That’s such a load of crap, too. I completely lost interest in GTA5 because they took forever to release it on pc, and once they did, they took forever to reduce the price.

Steve and GN put in some real work to keep companies accountable. I don’t normally buy youtuber merch, but I bought from GN to support their work.

Steam’s storefront and various gaming communities on Lemmy.