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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


I think MS should fix it, that’s my only position. I don’t care what Ubisoft does because they didn’t break it. Their reputation can only improve from this set of facts. Doing nothing is a neutral act, and developing a patch is a positive.

Idc about your buggy checklist app.

Yea it’s pretty garbage. No mention of MS having culpability for breaking it. Just blame the victim and sweep the game under the rug.

Delist the game that’s been out since 2017 and already bought by 10 million people! Genius! The update point has already been clowned on by plenty of others in the thread, so I won’t relitigate that. But wow dude, delisting is so smart. Like, if 10 million people with the game can’t access what they paid for that’s way better for consumers.

What a profound observation. Paperwork isn’t flesh. Amazing. What’s your point?

They do have the resources, they also have the expectation they won’t need to waste them on dumb shit MS breaks.

Ubisoft IS the consumer of MS products. But I guess your sympathies for consumers is only skin deep.

It ran fine since 2017 and got blindsided by MS. Anyone blaming Ubisoft is biased af, or has information not included in this article.

I’ve been chipping away at that deep rock galactic reverse bullet hell game for a while now. Don’t have the patience to play anything for more than half an hour these days.

I’ve been playing Monster Hunter Now on mobile, it fucking sucks unfortunately, but it’s making want to play MH:World again to just grind out armor pieces casually… Although thinking about it, that’s also a chore because unlocking cosmetics is super tiduous and can be really hard… Hmm…

Also playing Legends of Runeterra.

I had some pretty wild (heh) graphical glitches on popos that made it unplayable. Wasn’t able to figure out a fix before the beta ended. It loads though, and multiplayer should work, so looks good for full release.

The hordes of hel demo. Well polished reverse bullet hell, but maybe too well polished for the Devs to match the level of content of something like vampire survivors. But the mechanics are crisp and it’s really fun.

Yea I’m not a huge fan, but it does highlight that if not for external pressure twitch would have ignored it.

You’re of course referring to twitch banning the entire country of Israel from signing up to their platform for the past year.

I haven’t played this so take my 2 cents with a pinch of mixed metaphor.

My assumption for this game was that DLC would be new copy pasted outposts, weapons, etc. That’s the way a lot of procedural games go. It’s not bad really, you take a good core game and pump it full of new set pieces and toys til hell freezes over.

Same, although maybe it was targeted more at console players and fans of fps games. I looked it up just now and it looks well made, and also interesting. Finger guns and lots of movement, etc. Something went very wrong to get low numbers on this.

A good level in that game goes harder than any current AAA fps I can think of. Probably the remakes get pretty close, and they blew everyone away because they were a massive improvement to the fps formula, but idk if I’d ever call the remakes “timeless”.