We Avoid Temptation But It Keeps Finding Us

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


I’m very much not an expert, but I’d imagine it’s similar to how AES-NI works: the task is CPU/GPU-intensive until specific instructions are designed to do whatever blackmagicfuckery level math is required, and once it’s in hardware it’s more both power efficient and faster.

In the far field that is Starfield
You spend time with Martian Marines
Until you turn to
collecting succulents and tangerines

In case anyone is curious, it’s essentially the same as the PC version on release. 4 apps total (If there are more I can’t find them), 0 other features worth mentioning besides an “install” button.

I knew there was something I missed lol

I haven’t noticed anything less than what I would consider “good” personally, but I’ve heard things from a few people that it’s generally good quality but not perfectly consistent, which is fair enough imo.

It’s not perfect, but given that it’s a free mod they knocked it out of the park. Buggy obviously, but the world and level design are excellent, the writing is generally good, and they added back skill checks and other things. I’ve been having a lot of fun.

Fallout 4, Minecraft, and Flightgear. I love FO4, have been getting into Minecraft, and Flightgear is an endless hole I didn’t have the hardware to use. They’re also all easily moddable.

Fallout London mostly. It was a pain to install and it crashes occasionally but it’s so much fun.

Yeah, my bad forgetting that. It didn’t affect me at the time so I kinda forgot it existed

AFAIK this is entirely dependent on where you bought the S9. If you bought it from Samsung or otherwise with an unlocked bootloader, probably. If you bought it from a carrier, probably not.

They’re just using Gog as a CDN essentially. They have instructions to grab the downloaded files and zip them into a normal mod format so you can install them however you want.

The more relevant section is here

“It’s not uncommon for larger game companies like Bethesda to have mixed reactions to fan-made projects of this scale, we saw this with things such as Fallout: The Frontier,” says Carter, referencing the game-sized mod for Fallout: New Vegas that launched in 2021. “They often tolerate projects’ like ours’ existence as long as they don’t infringe on their intellectual property or negatively impact their brand.”

That said, I agree with you. The Frontier had issues because they put problematic shit in their mod. Bethesda has explicitly given shoutouts to Sim Settlements (I’m pretty sure there’s others) in the recent past.

GOTY or everything except the High Rez texture pack

I’ve seen this option before but most people online say the Pixels only work with DisplayLink. I’m really tempted to order a cable and see if it works

It can’t be that complicated

It literally is though