Castlevania has always had a pretty heavy emphasis on movement abilities to access new areas
The -vania part always seemed a bit odd to me as well because of the history of the games, but it makes sense based on when the term became popularized. If someone had tried to coin a term for the genre earlier I think it would’ve been Metroid-like alone, specifically because the early entries of Castlevania didn’t really have any movement-based mechanics upgrades until SotN. Even things being locked behind item progression was only in Simon’s Quest before that (although it looks like Vampire Killer had some more open levels where you had to find keys). I’m not familiar with Rondo of Blood, which looks like it had some exploration of levels with the secondary character, but again without upgrading movement mechanics.
So you basically had Metroid ('86) and Super Metroid ('94) being quintessential examples of the modern metroidvania genre, whereas there were almost a dozen Castlevanias before SotN ('97) that were mostly linear.
I played through it again a couple months ago but when I went to check the DLC it looks like they haven’t ever done more than 35% discount even though they came out in 2017 and 2019. Meanwhile the base game has done 90% off in the past (also the current price). Guess they figure if you like it enough to go looking for DLC you’ll probably pay more.
The narration from that video has a poetic bent
I wake to the warmth of the waxing salt sun, and before I draw breath it sidewinds to the beetle moon. I muse on my many selves, think of the jewels I’ve loosened from the lime, and all the myriad forms space and time have lathed me to. I dream of the sky shelf and its cosmic tilt, the movers that ferried strangers across stellar gulfs and toward their numinous ends. The earth falls away to light and dust, and I dream no more. Now we become the specters that peopled the Caves of Qud.
I wonder what separates games from movies as disposable media, especially with games that are meant to be cinematic/telling a story. Like Spec Ops is loosely based on Heart of Darkness and has a strong narrative, but without that is just a sort of middling shooter. So once you know the story it doesn’t have a ton of replayability, but it’s still impactful in the way a good movie is.
It’s cool watching people of different skill levels than you, not just the pros I think. Also when people take on challenges that take a long time, you can kind of skip through the vid at your leisure.
Plus sometimes you just don’t have the energy to game. It’s like Matt Groening said in that old Life is Hell comic (although about tv): Why is tv the best pal of all? When you’re tired, tv does the playing for you.
My last run I did with a shaman and put everything I could into lightning damage. It needed a 2 handed weapon so I basically just wandered up to bosses and thumped on them until they died in showers of sparks, while the AoE from the lightning arcs killed everything else around me. Plus I had a summon or two to redirect some enemy attention.
Satisfactory just left early access
Yeah I prob should’ve posted one of the total conversion mods like doom zelda
Doom II
…wait don’t downvote yet, you’ve gotta play it with the new ray tracing mod
Yeah Goro was probably cheaper overall, but the CPU in general in SF had unblockable moves and invincibility that they used to interrupt your attack. Of course, input reading goes on in a lot of games and MKI was I’m sure no exception (found this MKII video about it). I think it just got ramped up even more for M Bison, so he ended up being pretty comparable to the MK bosses as well.
Tbf it was always gonna be hard to make good fps controls on the N64 controller. The movement itself was fine once you got used to it (including strafing etc), but the real sticking point as you mentioned is the shoulder button aiming. It pretty much forced you to stop dead to aim accurately. So you really had to pick your time to hold position and take a few shots before running again.
I still had a lot of fun with it despite knowing there were better options out there with mouse and keyboard (although come to think of it when I was first playing wolfenstein and Doom I think I played with keyboard only back then).
Also if you have an entrance on the ground and build the rest of the base above it you should be set for the early game stuff. (see the first picture on the bases wiki page)
I hope it works for you. I think I’ve played it more than any other game. The wiki is a fantastic resource if you’re feeling stuck.
That’s the only one I knew-- I’m not sure if I’ve played anything from them since Alone in the Dark, where the intro has the logo turn into the polyvector model
I ran across a metroidvania called Feudal Alloy set in a medieval world where you and all the enemies are low-tech robots with fish bowls as heads. There’s an interesting mechanic where swinging your sword generates heat and if you’re overheated you can’t attack temporarily. You can upgrade different parts of your body to fit the situation or your play style (more armor/damage/health, slower overheat, faster cooldown, etc), and the art is nice.
Felt like a lucky find for me because I just found out about it last week from an old vid on one of the yt gaming channels I follow (Let’s Game It Out if anyone likes watching a dude try to break games by essentially QA testing the hell out of them), and when I checked the steam sale this week it came up for under 2 bucks.
I finally got tired of Melvor after like a year and the first DLC. I guess I could see myself going back and doing the 2nd one at some point but my interest hasn’t been there since I put it down some time last year.
Even before that though I think that township thing was a huge misstep. I’m all for trying some new stuff as a dev and not everyone’s going to be happy but cramming some weird town management sim into the incremental rpg genre never really made much sense to me.
She got started making her own shorts, which isn’t the same as getting cast in films but it’s not nothing either
Most recent LSL game was 2020