It’s not as easily dismissed. Many US companies cancel internships/employment offers after the candidate has spent a considerable sum on travel and housing. It’s even more heartless when employment visas are involved.
For some very litigious companies, they’re let off easily after causing huge financial and emotional strain to individuals. They should be punished, penalized and forced to compensate the victims for these.
When faced with a severe backlash, Google’s response is always “We heard you. We’ve killed it. Here’s an alternative” - and then proceeds to offer the same wine with minor changes in a new bottle.
This is what happened when FLoC was replaced with Topics. This is what’s happening with WEI. They say that they will limit it to webview and embedded media! They talk as if they are doing us a favor! As if their stupid play protect and app geo-locking isn’t causing widespread misery already!
Google - we weren’t asking for a replacement. It wasn’t a necessary functionality that was implemented badly. It was an evil functionality that shouldn’t have been proposed in the first place! Of course you won’t listen to us! You only took a small tactical step back due to the enormous hit you took to your image. But sure as hell, you consider your profits as more important than all the benefits of the web or the well being of billions of its users. You will get it by hook or crook - ethics and morality be damned!
If there’s anyone who’s still using chrome or one of its derivatives - ask yourself the reason for staying with it. You may have a hundred reasons. But at the end of the day, it will boil down to just two - convenience and laziness. You are not willing to part with even a small feature even after knowing that Chrome’s creators are out to destroy the web for everyone except themselves. You forgot that freedom is not a right - it’s something you have to fight for and earn. And in this battle, you laid down your weapons without a fight and let Google subject you and everyone else to their greed. Chrome’s market share allows them to control the web standards and the web ecosystem. You are complicit in the damage the web is taking - because you chose convenience over principles.
They’re too big to fail. Any amount of fine anyone can slap on them is just peanuts for them. They would rather break the law and use part of the gains to battle it out in court and push their opponents to bankruptcy. They have so much money that they can’t help but spend it on subjugating the rule of law.
They have to be broken up. Broken up into a hundred different companies and spread around the world with restrictions on interacting with each other.
RISC-V instruction set (ISA) is open source. But the actual implementation (microarchitecture) has no such obligations. And among the implementations that can run Linux, none (that I know) are open source designs.
With regards to hardware backdoors - no, closed source RISC-V implementations are not easier than x86 or ARM to audit for security.
The fundamental problem here is those monopolies having unfettered access to regulatory law making processes. Right now it’s as if these companies are free to regulate themselves and everyone is unhappy because they misuse those powers to enrich themselves at the cost of everyone else. The minimum requirement is to break them up for such overreach.
Don’t gate keep what? That’s such a lazy way of shutting down criticism. People are responsible for taking consumer decisions that don’t ruin their future prospects. At least in the case of using browsers, regular folks can be forgiven since decisions that destroy the web ecosystem are taken before they use those anti-features. But ‘nerds’ have the foresight to see it coming - if they keep using Chrome, then it’s pure laziness. They are responsible for letting this happen by not communicating enough and not raising a voice to warn others. In any fields, it’s the job of the experts to inform others about potential pitfalls. In tech, that role belongs to nerds. If you aren’t doing that then you probably don’t have what it is needed to be a ‘nerd’.
I can’t even log into patreon with disabling firefoxs Cross site blocking because I use Google oauth to log in.
Back to my point. We wouldn’t be in this state if ‘nerds’ did their job in the first place.
The amount of exploitative powers that the US gives these abusive companies is absolutely insane. The minimum that’s needed for such transgressions is the jailing of responsible management staff.